Do you know the situation, when you know you have to do something but you just don’t…?!
I’ve found once again the comparative: I know I should do something, I even know what I should do, but I don’t!! Why? Because I lie to myself!
What do I mean?
- As you know I’m jobless right now. But I don’t do any applications, because in the last weeks I received plenty of offers – even if the market-situation isn’t on a high peak. But I drag myself with the decision. On the one side I’ve committed to a job in August as a director for sales & marketing. On the other side I should secure myself by also searching for an alternative. (-Just in case - to have a plan B)
But as usual I’ve got an explanation: I’ve already got something like a plan B! I’m still on a project with commodities. If this project will succeed, I’ve got a monthly income that can provide me for a one-year-distance. And so silly I am I just risk the lean time! And here the lie is hidden! In fact I should focus how I can provide the project into success. At least I should set some milestones. Because the whole matter is also reliant to other peoples, I’m just content with the situation as whole! I guess by writing this post I’m also getting clear that I should set this milestones for me! I shouldn’t make it reliant to other peoples! Because I’ve got a quite pragmatic view I know what it needs to succeed – so it’s just a must have for me. If I make it reliant to others, it probably won’t fulfil the way I want. I’ve learned project management in my studies – it’s time to use it. At my studies, I had the highest mark in this subject of our school. It’s time to use the learned…
Now to build a positive pressure in me, I need again to keep up the following rule: I can… / I will… / I must…!!! (If I can, I’ve an option. If I will, I’m on the way to do so. If I must, I’m already in the thick of it)
And that I can control my improvement I need to set the plan into the contact to box sequence! (The main four steps in this sequence are: Contact, Possible, Probable, Box)
Super heavy will be the July 08! I haven’t got a clue how to come along in this month. I just trust in God! I know he won’t let me fall and there’s a reason for the situation and position I’m involved right now. From my spiritual view, I look at it like a test! A test if I’m worth a chance! And I believe I am!
Today’s motto: „Man muß das Unmögliche Versuchen, um das Mögliche zu erreichen.“ (You have to try the impossible to accomplish the possible!) Herman Hesse