Friday, 22 August 2008

Can’t keep my ass quiet!


Since my last post many things already have changed again. Somehow I got a voice in me that conduct me to the right course. The day after the last post I went to the social department to fight for my right. I came into her office and brought all my documents with to proof that the adjudication was wrong and I’m allowed to receive the claim. She just opened the first page, read the letter and approved my claim! You may say I’ve been flabbergasted! –All my trembling if I’ll pass through this situation, all my fears about my existence – just blown away in less than five minutes! Unfortunately I won’t receive the amount I first expected, but at least I am in right! Thanks, God!

Starting this week, I’ve been on a one-on-one with a headhunter I already know since years. It has been very deflating! He showed up, that within my last jobs I didn’t give quite a good state for my CV. He said that going away from the bank into a SMB wasn’t a good choice. Right now he’ll look for a bridge solution within a bank till he can find something substantial for me, respectively my education. He said at least it was good to go for the BBA, but my last employer isn’t a good address and it might be challenging to find an adequate job. Finally he came up with addresses like, JP Morgan, Bank Pictet, etc. where he’ll look for this bridge solution-job! Hopefully, he’ll be successful! ;-)

Next week I’ve got again some other interviews with large companies. I expect, that for a bridge-solution I’ll find probably any kind of job within the next weeks.

My financial situation is still very challenging, but I could take up different arrangements with my debtors and actually all where willing to find a way. All beside one! The insurances are still waiting with their answer… -But also with them I’m actually looking forward for a suitable arrangement. I’ve got a kind of stance regarding these debts.

“If you handle arrangement with your debtors and face the debts, you control them. If you don’t handle any arrangement and don’t face the debts, -they control you!”

Right now I listen to the song: nobodies fault but mine

So it’s in my interest to handle them, better now than in future!

Apropos, one of the debtee was that kind, to decreed my debts in the height of CHF 5’000! She said, that because I’m willing to find the arrangement and approached her, she remit all my debts. Imagine (!) if I didn’t have faced my debts and if I wouldn’t have approached her, I’d never received something like this!

And here I am. Face the fact, but stay positive in your approach. I believe that I’m standing right on the brink of making it! Somehow the voice in me leads me through this whole situation and I believe that in the end it will be worthwhile. –Fantastic, now the song: here comes the sun just started!

If you ask me, how I do right now, I’d say I do quite good! I don’t get caught up; I look forward and believe with pure heart it will come again better!

Oh, regarding getting better, my private projects are very near to close! I can’t do any actions, but the parties confirmed almost all of the deals. I guess it works if you cross your fingers for my projects and me. Thank you & keep it up, please! :-D

Today’s motto: It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Grace Hopper

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Never, never, never give up!

Ciao Tutti

Days become harder and tougher each day. Beginning last week I called the social department regarding the outstanding incoming funds for the two months I didn’t have a job. In normal case, we’ve got in Switzerland a social department, which gives you an alternative income for the time of max. 400 days. This is a kind of safety net for person who did work for the last two years. You’ll just get something from the department, if you’ve been announced without any own fault. But by now, my old employer Comprendium wrote them, that it has been my own fault – and so I’m no longer allowed to receive funds from this safety net. Finally to cut it down: I’ve to answer back by the law! So again time passes by and I’m left stranded without any cash! I just take each day as it comes and try to survive without to use any money. –But it’s not a living, rather a surviving!

And if this story isn’t enough, my new employer told me, that they’d to postpone (again) the start for Switzerland. Not 4th, also not the 15th of August, now it’s getting September 2008! I rate this ever and anon postponing just simply as unprofessional or even shady. –So I had to make a new decision. Decision if I really want to put up this way and the answer is ‘no’!

What stays?

I need again a new strategy and a new plan how to come along. I guess the best focus is to look forward again and search for something conservative but after all substantial. I need to find an alternative job (try hire/temp-jobs/etc…) till end of this month! It’s a challenge I need to take now!

In the meantime there’s also again light at the end of the tunnel with my private projects. It looks like one of those deals seem to set in. Both counter parties have taken up the proceedings. Their negotiation will start within the next days. As soon they’re clear, the first kickback/provision might be expected by end of 2008 (hopefully even ahead of schedule). –So regarding this issue, I want to ask you to keep your fingers crossed for this project and me! Because when this will start, I can focus again on the substantial belongs of life. Factual I know, that I’m not allowed to expect anything from this (even if the project is by 98% the other 2% aren’t any longer under my management), but it’s an option I’ve opened myself by hard working the last months.

Each person on earth, who tries to live and not only to survive, has spread areas where to focus on. So have I, and I realized that actually more than 50% of my goals for life are set in fields where I have to work on my own person. For example I’ve wrote down:

- Be a man who’s word counts on!

- Always stay over things / be master of the situation

- Be a brilliant master for contract negotiation

- Be a loving person

- Handling/Be wise (spiritual and worldly-wise)

- Etc…

The other ~43% are goals in the area like material luxuries…

A sentence I use over and over again is: “I need to get clarity on what to focus on and what things mean to me!”

Right now this sentence is quite a challenge. On the one side I’ve got the acute financial situation to master and on the other side my career doesn’t set in the way I expected. The true challenge for me is to find the positive things in between to turn them into success. I try to look forward. Stay focused on the areas that need to be handled wisely and not to get caught up by the circumstances.

Today’s motto: Rinasce piu gloriosa / He arises new in bigger glory / Phoenix lat.