Friday, 29 June 2007

Day five! ;)


Soon I got it over. My test, if I can think straight seven days after another positive. Well if this fallowing weekend won't come up with any major surprize, I'll handle this. :))

(Switzerland in winter)
So in this manner I want to loose some words again today and starting that with yesterday!

We got a very - very - very good and nice news. Simon, my friend, who has worked the last six months as a painter for a welfare service of Zurich has got a better job now! He signed the contract yesterday to start within one of the largest insurances in the world, as a junior supporter. Guess some days ago, when he heared from the school's that he's in need of more certificates, he fellt himself distracted, rejected and for sure a little frustrated. But now, with this kind of news, these feelings seem so far away!

Before going to sleep, I listened to an audio-file of Anthony Robbins. And it isn't that absurd from him to say: You get, what you focus on!

As most of us do concentrate on things horrorable could be. Or they see the worstcase and if it happens, they tell to themself: See, I knew it! But in this moment you think like this, it's like a confirm to your brain to focus out, also in future to the worstcase. And here I ask you; is this useful? I think you know the answer!

Overall you may say, that it's all about being SMART! Don't curse around - because it makes you feel bad about/on something. Search for solutions - and stop seeing problems all over. But also be honest. If it's shit, you don't have to prettify it - but guess what you can learn or see at least something positive on it. If you do so, your mind starts to turn over in being more productive in anything, what area ever...! Belief it! Either you grow or you standstill. If you standstill, you make regress! That are all facts! If you want it or not, they will be there anyway!

The fallowing weekend will be varied! Today I'm invited for the diploma-dinner of Fabienne's brother. Tomorrow I'll have to make my household by my own, because she'll have to learn for her tests next week at school. And on Sunday I'll be again invited for a party from Fabienne's side. Her family has got a huge meeting with all the other namesake of the region. And on Sunday evening, I'll plan my switch-out (named by myself for just hang and loose at home and doing nothing).

Today's motto: Don’t cross your bridges until you come to them!


sea said...

Did you make it?

Gypsilon said...
