Monday, 18 June 2007

Try it!

Hi Volks,

Thank you I received so many feedback regarding the test I wrote down the other day in thinking positive for at least seven day's in a row! (See post: Mental diet) Okay, we are about eight to ten persons, that want's to try the test of thinking positive.

On day four, I failed! But on day three, I really was in a hard challange! Last Friday I had a personal training in my gym. But unfortunately I never reached there! I had a break down with my car! First of all, my steering-wheel blocked in mid of the road! I couldn't move it at all but lucky me I could break out so nothing other happened. As I went out of the car, to see if something was broke, but I couldn't find anything so I called the road-help! And as I wanted to go back to the car, it was locked! And my keys where inside... All on front of my gym!!! >:-o

Than the road-help came and told me, before he does look what happened I got to bill 150 box! -Just because he came... still didn't do anything on my car! Well good for me, my father was in the club of the swiss road-help and he could handle it, so I didn't have to pay this... But in the garage, I had to pay 150 box for the repair! But I still keeped my positive thinking! After all!!!

On Saturday finally I broke! And as usual it was a really small crap, that made me explode... At the evening the parents of Fabienne came to visite us/me. So Fabienne and I did the household, shopping, all the usual thinks you got to do when you live alone! And on the cleaning some little shit happened. We had a sticker on the floor that held the sofa in it's position. Finally, by intention or not-intention, someone took away this sticker and has put it on top uf the saloon-table. This table is just for momentary! So the quality isn't that high. And the sticker, was in very high quality... ;-) So guess what happened. I took away the sticker of the table and the paint of the table aswell... And at this point I yelled! I tried so hard with my visitors and anyhow to be that careful as possible, that this table would hold that nice, till I would have enough cash to finance me a new one with more style. But than, since Saturday, it didn't work out and I was that disappointed. And what didn't make it more easy, Fabienne looked at me like: Why this bust because such a small shit??? She didn't get my point and couldn't understand me. :-(
Well after all, the dinner was very nice.

So on Sunday I started again with this test/game. And till today, I could get through this without problems.

Today I got to do some deal and go again for gym. Because I'm in a cure, as you know. (food combining + 5x workout a week, for the next six weeks)

Today's motto: DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY §-)

1 comment:

sea said...

doublepost :)