Friday, 31 August 2007

Do you practice modelling?

Hello there!

Yesterday later evening I seated in my living room and read a book of Bodo Schäfer. A guy, that promise you in seven year your first million (bucks), if you accept his devise! As I was reading, I thought by myself that his strategies and focus are very discipline exhausting.

  • How can you change the meaning of money?
  • What did money value to me?
  • What does money mean to me?
  • What are my patterns in relation to money?
I need to ask me such things, that I can set me back on track! Also 'Bodo' showed, that the meaning you give to money is essential! If you respect it as an energy, you'll get the respect back of the money - with all it's amenity! You have to let this energy flow! If you store it, there comes a big bang in an other way, where the money you have will be in target of something huge. But if you see money as an energy, and you don't store, you channel it into the right directions, it will get stronger and stronger... -Like with a training!

See I know what I'm talking about! Beginning this year, I stood with my earnings on a monthly base by 3,940.- and depts of over 40,000.- (Swiss Francs)! Today I earn over 10,000.- and am still in depts of over 30,000.-! If my meaning to money still would have stayed the same, I would have probabely got caught up in all those mess. But I told myself, that if I want to change my situation, especially with the depts, and I want to earn more! I need to get out of necessity, get into enhancement and get positioned constantly! Guess how long I would have needed to get out of my depts with this poor salary beginning this year??? -Next five years or so... But with my salary now, next March I'll be done! And from there on, I'll start really to get in higher level with my assets! -And stay forever!

Now again with reading such books, I get more and more hints, how I receive real knowledge on this case. How about the other areas?

I go at least twice a week to the training. Kickboxing and gym!

I got plenty of friends, colleagues, my family and a loving girlfriend.

In just less than one year I got from autonomy into to a manager with two own department.

I read the bible on a regular base again and again. I visit the church on almost every Sunday. I pray again once a day, just to be thankful on what I have. And much more on this area!

What else? Did I forget something? The money- situation I already spoke about.

To come back on the titel! How did I do all these? I took Nike's advice and just did it! ;-) And effectively, I modelled many of person around my environment. Also people from books, audio-tapes and TV. If I had the feeling, that there's a person in an area I have to improve, I started to do the same things. But there's also a strategy in copying others. I'll return on this after the weekend... ;-)

So you guys. Whish you a nice weekend!

Today's motto: The one who talkes alot, hasn't got time to think! Indian saying

Thursday, 30 August 2007

let's get started friends


Today I had again a close of two new deals. If I can hold up this level, I don't think, that I'll get more in cash-troubles. I think, no (!), I know, that I changed my inner compass into the direction of success. Personal success! This doesn't mean, making lots of money. That alone, won't make me happy. But what makes me successful, is that I reach my set goals.

This wasn't always that way. I changed my focus on any given situation. I had to make a review of my environment. I had to accept, that not all of my friends really wan't me to get successful. And do you know why? Because they're jealous! They want to be themselves successful, but don't want, that any other will reach there, before they do. Also on their own set goals - their personal goals!

Does it mean, that I don't change longer the contact with them? No way! They're my friends! As you say "brothers in arms"! ;)

But what do I say? I say, that my approach to them won't be on a material aspect! If the therms of a talk will change into something, where I would have to tell them about my job, I make just a short overview, but give them any motivation, to get them to their goals! I would help any single one of them, that they could reach their goals. I think, that's the only way, how my environment will honor me, be thankful, but not compair themselves with me, so that they won't let come up the force of jealousy!

This POST I wrote just to give you an idea, how I handle the association with my friends. It's the way, I have chosen to be right now!

I need an environment, that loves me. And to keep up this feelin', I don't expect anything from anyone. But I give all I can - without making a comparison between me, and their lifes. I make it in a direct and honest way. -Even if it's hard to them. It's better, than lying.

Today's motto: Real friends, you can't buy. But it costs tolerance, honesty, sympathy and confidence. The pay-out you'll get in return is friendship! by HTH

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

all about you!


As you see, last weekend I had a generious partytime. My girl has been in Appenzell (a canton in Switzerland), to visit her friend for somehow like a tramping and wellness weekend.

And as you see on the pix, I have been at a streetfestival called: "Badenfahrt" -This is a party in the City of Baden, only all ten years for ten days. A real huge occasion!

Streets are abuzz of buzzy gents and ladies. And on every day, one fireworks.

On Sunday my girly came again along and we just calmed down and relish our common time together. I also have made different studies about my situation. It's very nerve-racking on my money-situation. But(!), with my last bonus and salary, I diminish my debts on one quart. So there's no longer an amount open of CHF 40'000.-. It's now 'just' another CHF 30'000.-!!

So in mind of this, I took time on Sunday to work a little for my office. I multimize all areas as good as possible, where the consequences may be an increase of cash. Now I'm also no longer on the set: one-day-one-deal. I'm on the one-day-two-deals object. ;-)

Since two weeks, on every single day (at office) I make at least two deals a day. Where I'm the only one of our office in the whole world, who can hold this level consistant. We're back an other 12% of our sales-pipeline. But if I go on this consequent and consistant, I can take it over, alone in the next three months! That's what I'm going for! To be an asset as a person! In the office or in private.

On Monday I had a challenging business-meeting. It's not longer in need, that I 'just' make appointements and kind of such (ex. Conference-calls), now I started also, to acquire, close and accompany customer all by my own. Sounds like a normal sales-manager. Yeah, but it just sounds like... :-D I also make the marketing for Switzerland and areas of Europe. I do the market-research for Switzerland and areas of Europe and started now, also to do the sales in the same regions! The only person in our company, who makes the same job as I do, is the Director of Sales & Marketing, my own boss. He's a member of the board and above him, there's just the CEO. So to be honest, in the last months, you can read a success-story on this page! Just one single area, I couldn't handle by my own. The financials. But all the other areas I expand!

I had to learn till today, that I need to go and go and go on with a discipline in me, that rarely has been matched out there. I had to give up my old 'Harry'. I had to become a new 'Harry'. And after all, I'm happy with this change.

Today's motto: If you think, you're pooped, keep going on! Your goal is nearer than it seams... by HTH

Friday, 24 August 2007

...and the show, has to go on! ;)


Unfortunately, our CEO didn't find time to call me... But somehow, my boss did search for me yesterday later afternoon. :-D

Yesterday, I anyway had some friends comming up to gamble on PS2!

Well, -nevermind. I made also today the same questioning and somehow I made just a multitasking as I entered the office. I started up all open duties. As I had a conference call, an employee came in and just trapped into my office. On the other hand, I had the conference call with a CFO of a large textil-machinery manufactorer.

Guess what! I didn't freak out. I was that calm, that I spoke further, stood up, went to the door, showed the staff the exit of my office. And closed the deal! :-D

I try no longer to find excuses for any failures! I see the raw-model of the situation and act in best faith and will. And once again, I just use the right questions.

See what I'm doing here. It isn't just a report, that you can read. It's my life! And I'm sharing it with you. Maybe you're in a similar situation, but don't find the questions. I made a public statement with this blog to go toward my usual comfort-zone! I made a commitement, that the person I am, hasn't come as far yet as it could! I am much more, than I'm showing right now!

And how do we humans enjoy life? By growth! The only way you feel happy, is when you know, that you increase your life! And either you increase those areas, where you find your own passion, or you fall off! Black or white! Left or right! Success or failure*. It's nothing else, than just an imagination of your own! ;-)

* there are no failure. Just experiences, that didn't function in that way... ;-)

Today's motto: Chances in life are like sunrises! If you wait too long, you miss them! by HTH

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Got the nutz???


Today I started with some questions, just as a new pattern I want to set. And here the questions:

  1. What am I happy about in my life right now?
  2. What am I excited about in my life right now?
  3. What am I proud of in my life right now?
  4. What am I grateful for in my life right now?
  5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
  6. What am I committed to in my life right now?
  7. What do I love?
And in all those questions, I enclude two further questions and those two would be:

  1. What about that makes me feel (Bold-Word)?
  2. How does it make me feel?
And so I went to the office this morning in a different way. Somehow, I got clearance. It's like: "I'm fuck' knowing, why I go to work! I know, that all has a sence! It is it worth!" -- As I entered the office, guess whom I just walked into... ?

- Our CEO!

CEO: "Harry, how are you?"
Me: "I'm ready to break some faces!"
CEO: "What do you mean?"
: "Oh sorry, I ment, I'm ready to move some business...! -How are you???;))"
: "I'm fine, just wondering, why we're short with our sales-pipeline (I'm the responsible)?"
Me: "Because we focus on the wrong cases! We make a wrong approach"!
: "???"
: "As long we concentrate to the provisions, the win, the assets, the success of the deal... -That long, we won't really gain good business. This stupid and childish mentality, won't bring us any further. We need to get focus on our clients need! That's the only fuck' way, how we really get into serious and good business... - ohm - !"
: "Wow! Okay Harry, this evening I'll contact you by phone... let's talk about. Okay?"
Me: "Okay" ...

As I left the corridor into my own office, I felt really trembling... Was I just talking in this way to the highest man in our company??? Why that? And than I asked myself those following questions:

  1. What is great about this?
  2. What isn't perfect yet?
  3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
Than I prepared some sheets of papers with strategies I learned in the school and wait now for the phone this evening. :-)

After this experience, I made two deals with a potential of between 50 to 100 Mio. Swiss Francs!

As you can imagine, I'm on a real progress.

Today's motto: You get out what you put in! german: Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

just an other pattern


Yesterday evening I have been alone at home and had time to think over my lifefcycle situation:

Right now, ...

... Relationship: Good friends, an environment that I can count on, a loving and passioned G'friend on my side and plenty of business-contacts all over the world. -Guess I'm quite proud and happy about this situation.

... Cash: I work hard out and also start now to earn real good money. My monthly earning rised from 4,500.- bucks to over 10,000.-! My expenses stopped going out of rage and are now in care of my trustee. -And it seems like, my depts are getting less and less again (of an amount of CHF 40,000.-!)

... Health/Body: I still workout twice a week and go once a week to kickboxing. But I could go on more efforts in this area. Unfortunately, I haven't got any real goals in this branch. :-( But I focus on what I have: I got a trained, athletic bodyshape and my condition is around 95%. So also if I haven't got any goal set, I'm ready! :-) (On the pic, my bro') ;-)

... Job: I searched for new markets and found an industrial branch, where I meet a lots of people and therefor I may still earn assets out till end of this year, the average stays as it is. New projects found me. I got to check them clearly and if there's one of them with success potential - I got to use my chance. (Just got to make the phone right now and ask...) ;-)

... Faith: As more I get into delicate circumstances, I realize, how I follow the roulez that are written in the bible. So what can I say more about, that I try when ever possible, to obey those roulez. I realize, that there are some changes in my inner balance. But overall you may say, I just give on any given situation the best possible.

As I said when I started my blog, I'll use this here also as a checklist to see if I move myself still in the direction I want. I made several milestones and now I try to get step by step through this. I think in the last months, you just find improvements. And through-out this fact, I feel myself very very good... :-D

Today's motto: There are more people surrender, than such who failure! Henry Ford

Monday, 20 August 2007

Christ divine


I have been asked by an employee of our company, if I could tell more about my faith. Also another person asked me, how religious I am. So it seems like there would be really some people interested.

I believe in God. I believe the words in the bibel, but I also believe in the natural law! I know, that there's a higher force around. If not, I probabely wouldn't be here anymore. Some years ago, I fell into a coma, because of overdoing with drugs. An other time, I touched with my side-mirror of the car an accommodate driving car (ghost-driver/death-cab) with tempo 160km/h (around 100m/h) on the freeway. And so on... many experiences, which made me accept, that there's a higher force. Something, that saved me all time from death.

So my faith in God, is something I even could experience on my own. And therefor, I really took time to find a belief, that's realistic, timely not bound and workable. Something, that even lasts in this modern time. Something, that stood actual and still same 5000 or 2000 years ago, today in future - always! I was in need, of something, that will keep me up, even if time works against you. Even when my girl left me. Even when I lost my job. -I was in need of something, that held me up! All time long. And there's no further thing to say, than I found the real faith for me! Every person is free in decision to find the right faith. For me, as I said, it had to be:

  1. realistic
  2. timely not bound
  3. workable
So if there are more, who wants to know, how I think about my faith, feel free to contact me! ;-) :-P

So today's motto: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” john, 11.25 + 26 ;-)

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Caught in mind-scattered


In the last days it seems like I don't stay focused on the issues I should. I got the job, where I should give again a 100%! I got a g'friend, she wants to get an other 100%. I got my friends, they also want a 100%. Family, 100%! Sport, 100%! Health, 100%! Money, 100%! I just try not to get caught-up in all those stuff. But as I try, 'just not to get caught-up' it seems, like I more and more got caught-up!

And I hate this fuck' feeling! ;-) But what can I see positive on this? Well one thing I know for sure! If I really want to get the inner freedom, I have to handle all those issues. And how do I do that? I need a plan. A strategy, who gives me a focus on the things I need to do. Otherwise, I get mind-scattered in any area spoken!

So what did I realize in the meantime? I know, that for changing my situation, the robbins-principe of the three steps, are needed! Those are:

Change your...
  1. Standards
  2. Beliefs
  3. Strategy
...If I already know the first two steps, probabely step number three will show-up!

So if I feel myself caught-up, one of my feelings wants to tell me something. But to be clear, if my feelings want to tell me something, something else with my standarts already got in conflict! So to change my situation again, nothing else stays left, than to change my fuck' standarts again! And if I change my standarts, I also have to change again my fuck' beliefs! That sucks! After more than six months, I got many improvements in different areas (Job for example), but still too many other areas stayed, as they where. Okeeeee..... how to go on? -Nike! Just do it!

Well one thing over all turns in clarity: The outcome (improvement/success) of staying on track to my goals, is a much higher than the input (effort/force) I have to give in. So on one thing I'm really clear. I have to go on! On and on again! ;-)

Wouldn't life be to boring, otherwise?! 8-)

Today's motto: Fortune favours the braves

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

What are your goals?


As I had a real good chat with one of my best friends yesterday, I had to realize, that maybe my goal-settings aren't really on track, what I really see as fulfilled!

Ales (his name) is one of the wunderkind of our country. He studied physics and passed with 6.0 (the highest possible mark at our system) the exame. He has been the first guy in more than 10 years who could ever reach this level. Now he decided still to study economics. As I believe, this guy will probabely also close it with 6.0! ;)

Anyhow, one of the cases we have been talking about was this: How does a human generally function? Has he really got a free will? As an example, he said: "Imagine, you're n front of a fridge. It's full of beer, okay?! Now, why do I for example just think over, which beer I'll take out of the fridge? Why can't I just decide, not to drink any beer at all? Why, if my brain has got those signals, it's no longer possible for me, just to think if I want any beer? Why do I think; which beer shall I take at first out?"

Well the answer I guess, is this: One of our natural law is, that human do have a pinion. The pinion of being hungry. But why does our brain not just decide to be no longer hungry?? If we really would be free, why can't we just decide, no more to be no longer hungry? Why do we have the appetite that has to be sated! It's all about this natural law. We need also to function with our body. Our body needs energy. And just to get to this energy, our appetite takes overhand over our handling. And here the difference between humans and animals gets clear. We have got the force, even if we are hungry, to say NO! An animal just has got two options. Either search for food, till found something, or searching for food, till they got that tired, that they have to sleep (a further way, how to get to energy). But we human can decide at least... Or we got more, than just a few options. We got plenty of them. (What we'll eat, how we'll eat, when we'll ear, etc...)

So overall, I guess as a human, your goal has to be, to realize the differences, between animal and human (many human do act like animals), and use the preferences, of having a choice! And to act in most given situations, like a human, and not like an animal.

More therms was like also getting into complementary goals, like an animal. For example, why do I like to have a lot of money? Is it really just to get more responsibility, how to help your environment? Or isn't it just the fact, that as you know, if you would have more money, more things just would be easier for you to get, or to enjoy. My device, be also free of that manner! Don't let money be a jailor of you! You're free, but maybe, you just forgot, how it is...


Now to the past weekend. The Streetparade... :-D

I think, that if you just use the link...: find enough, that you can imagine by your own, how it was. As a responsible, for a lovemobile, you become like a king at the parade... it's feeling is terrific! But being all time long afoot is also very, very exhausting. After the parade, we just went home, fell in the bed and slept. But I really have to say, this Streetparade, has been one of the most exiting I ever have been. It also has been the first time, that I was responsible, for a lovemobile...

Today's motto: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks - but how about you?! ;)

Friday, 10 August 2007

Don't get extracted!


Today, I had to make a sales-training in the morning. So I couldn't make my daily business, yet.
But as I saw, many of the member do often block themselves with not useful patterns. One guy for example had the thought: "I have to make a deal!" -But with a innernal force, if when he won't make a deal, he's a looser! -Just no worth it!

I tried to make him clear of this: The warrior, who will survive in the field, isn't the man, who already makes thoughts about the end of the fight! The one and only survivor, is the one, who just concentrate to do the best possible in the moment! -Don't forget, why you entered the field! Stay focused on what you really want. To survive, to win! And how do you win? If any given challenge, you be the one, who will stand through! And isn't it the same with a customer's meeting? If you already make thoughts about how you have to sign the contract, your service-skills maybe won't be enough for the customer! Maybe he'll think: what a jerk! Just wants to make business, without listening to what I really want! -And will you sign a contract at this time??? Probabely, -no!

So I went through all those familiar sales-tools. Once again... :-)

Other term!

Yesterday evening... Strewth!!! We have just gamed and gamed and gamed and drunk and drunk and drunk and so on! My neighbor Alpi, Dani, Sven, Reni and I. This morning I stood up with unhuman effort! You know what I mean? I had to force me over and over again. Just still being somehow shitheaded, that I really had to give an unhuman effort to come out of bed. :-D

But nevertheless I have been right on time for my sales-seminar... 8-)

Tomorrow there will be one of the most famous parties in whole Europe! The Swiss-Streetparade!!! And I got the responsibility of five lovemobiles! Other friends, I fixed with are: Fabienne (logic), Peda and Seraina, Simon, Johannes...

We all have to be there at 0630h in the morning for briefing! Have to work at the largest party in Europe up to 1000h pm!!! But at least we got food, drinks and free entrance to any party in the evening in whole Zurich. Yeah....!

I'll make some pix and will load them up on Monday!

Today's motto: Concentration is goal-oriented motivation! Andreas Tenzer, germ. phil.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Deal or no Deal! ;)


Today I proofed my system! I found something that really helps to go on my goals! The system I talked about yesterday. Actually it's nothing else than the "Nike-System: Just do it!"

As yesterday I figured out the following on my situation:

1) Why is the situation as it is, right now?
2) How will it end, if it stays that way?
3) What do I really want in this situation?
4) What will be the outcome of the situation, if I get what I want actually?
5) What do I have to change?
6) Changed it!

Six holy steps! Six questions, that could give me back the drive I had before the vacations! So area: Job! is done!

I got unfortuantely an other area, where I'm forced to change! Finance! My finances are getting more and more delicate. I have to find a situation to come out of this back-breaking position. Now on the first step, I have a trustee. He roulez all accounts. But otherwise I got again an other prosecution from the taxes! Well now I have to think over again, how I can get out of this mess. I know, that I won't just pay all bills and have no more cash for me. I have to handle this the smart way...

  1. Brainstorming with my trustee
  2. Search for other earning-possibilities
  3. Open online-trade-account
  4. Make study about good investments (There are other people, making a profit of more than 80% a year. If they can do it, why shouldn't I???)
  5. Set investment-goals with time schedule
So, again new goals to for... And I don't even think of giving up! -Just do it!

Today's motto: Activity is the mother of success! Claude Helvetius, France :)

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

In mood to do nothing


Do you know those days, where you just are in mood to do nothing... since my return of the vacation I feel myself in exactly this mood. But on the other hand, I know I have to go on! And therefor, I have to get my inner swin to low-budget-niveau!

What I want to express in this way is: so that my inner swin won't get overhand on my moods, I have to take responsobility!

I came more and more to the driving force of success, while just doing things that are necessary. If I feel myself bored; bored of my situation, my life, my everday's life, my environment, etc... I could just always change it, by just doing something against!

And also useful to know: working hard, does not work! -working smart does!

Let's see, if tomorrow I'll return again to my old mood "one-deal-a-day" If so, I got a proof, that my theory works out!

Today's motto: Note down your expertise! See how much you're of value! by HTH

Monday, 6 August 2007

My vacations in Rhodos, Greece


First of all, I'm so sorry, I didn't write any post in my holidays. But I have had so many nice impressions and so many small trips there, that I just completely forgot my job and all other duties.

I'll try to make a little photostory on the next lines:

This was my checklist, before vacation. But as I had to experience, the best checklist doesn't help, if you don't write all itemizes!

Locally I had to buy plenty of creams, sunblockers, deos, etc...

And what I learned from this, is that it depends where you go to! Holidays by the beach don't demand the same things as if you go to the mountains ;-)

Our first dinner in Rhodos, most of our members seems like tired and not in mood to go out on the first night.

Eye-catching one of the stores, that just sold alcohol. Anyway in Rhodos, it seams like everywhere the people just would drink alcohol and no other drinks, as for example softdrinks.

And specious was the beer has been more filled and cheeper than a bottle of coke! :o)

The harbor of Rhodos: on the backside you find also a castle of the Old-Town in Rhodos. Built before Middle ages and still stands completely there!

If you want to spend money without to having control, go there! ;-)
You have to be very hard-nosed, that in order not to get into a touristic-trap!

The architecture of Rhodos is very impressive. An ideal place for photographers or in architecture-interested persons.

And if you're an architect, so please go there and show those guys, how to create a functional parking! As you can see on this pic, they haven't got any idea.

One proof more, for the easy-going on this island! :-)

On this picture you see two reptiles communicate with each other :-))

- Just a joke! ;-)

It was just strange for us, to see in a vehicle-renting a salamander. Poor guy had to rest all day long in this very small cage. And to abet him, Fabienne did pet him a little...

Also our nightlife didn't come to short at last. We swing our hips till late into next morning. The only two places on the island, where you can make party is either in Faliraki (Touristic pollution granted) or in Rhodos - City at the Barstreet, where we have been.

Not only our ladies had fun, but somehow, our male members have been to blotto... :-))

Here other shots of the old architecture of the Old-Town in Rhodos - City.

In between of all those old monuments, plenty of shops have settled down. And now you have to give attention, that you won't loose too much money in this place (Old-Town).

The mosaik-picture has been build around year zero! And was just one of lots of such in the castle on the right picture!

It's an ideal place for culture-trips! As I said, I had so many attractions around me, that I forgot all other things and duties. :-D

Food and me, two components, that really found together in Rhodos. If you really want to eat good mediterrane cuisine, this island will be the right place for you.
On the left you find a greek-mix-plate, on the right, you see a mixed swiss-pinoy full of greek-mixed-plate... 8-)

So, these are the first pix of our vacations. Probabely, there will follow more of them in the following post for the next day's.

Today's motto (as well in my work today!): Don't bury your head in the sand! Use the time to get things changed!

Thursday, 2 August 2007

SORRY, but Back again!


I'm back again. And here at my office I have a great deal to do. Lot's of open issues around. So in other words, I got an ass full of work and that's why, I'll write you the blog again by tomorrow! The vacations were marvellous.

Today's Motto: One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything except a good reputation.