Thursday, 9 August 2007

Deal or no Deal! ;)


Today I proofed my system! I found something that really helps to go on my goals! The system I talked about yesterday. Actually it's nothing else than the "Nike-System: Just do it!"

As yesterday I figured out the following on my situation:

1) Why is the situation as it is, right now?
2) How will it end, if it stays that way?
3) What do I really want in this situation?
4) What will be the outcome of the situation, if I get what I want actually?
5) What do I have to change?
6) Changed it!

Six holy steps! Six questions, that could give me back the drive I had before the vacations! So area: Job! is done!

I got unfortuantely an other area, where I'm forced to change! Finance! My finances are getting more and more delicate. I have to find a situation to come out of this back-breaking position. Now on the first step, I have a trustee. He roulez all accounts. But otherwise I got again an other prosecution from the taxes! Well now I have to think over again, how I can get out of this mess. I know, that I won't just pay all bills and have no more cash for me. I have to handle this the smart way...

  1. Brainstorming with my trustee
  2. Search for other earning-possibilities
  3. Open online-trade-account
  4. Make study about good investments (There are other people, making a profit of more than 80% a year. If they can do it, why shouldn't I???)
  5. Set investment-goals with time schedule
So, again new goals to for... And I don't even think of giving up! -Just do it!

Today's motto: Activity is the mother of success! Claude Helvetius, France :)

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