Friday, 28 September 2007

My week(end)

Hello for the last time this week.

Since I woke up this morning, I'm non-stop on track to growth. This showes itself in the commin' cases.

This Morning at 11.ooh a.m. I had a meeting with one of my brokers (I multiply myself throughout other persons in the market to gain business). And the first thing she has been talking about, was very rarely about the to finance project. In fact, just the key-figures has been told and nothing more. Than already it started...

She wanted to know, how much will she earn, if she will bring us the deal. People who know me, know also, that this provocative question will be returned with a provocative answer. I told her the following scenario:

"Look! It's like hunting a bear. I'm two years in the business and I know, that I'm a rookie. But and this is a big BUT, why do you wan't to talk about the proportioning, if you haven't shoot the bear yet?" "If you just show me, where the bear is, I'm not in mood to give you more than a steak. But if you shoot him and bring him to me, I'll give you the whole side piece! Is this answer fair enough?"

-Well you can imagine, what she told. -Yeah!

Than this afternoon, I sat together with our CFO. Still regarding this umbrella-group-deal and the process, how we should make the approach. Now I got plenty of possibilities, that we can offer. I know now, throughout what it's important. We just have to show them up, that as we get any kind of guarantee or assets, that we are willing to finance them.

You may say, well Harry, that's logic, nor? Yes, it is. But and there's again a big BUT, the kind of guarantee or assets, that we need, is different, than other instituts could take in need. I hope you understand, that I can't write it down here, but I can say, that we probabely are the only one in the market, who can take out assets, that are after validation off balance!

It's very, very creative. And I'm enjoying to show them soon our possibilities. ;-)

Today's motto: The greatest pleasure in life, is doing the things people say we cannot do. unknown

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Rocky Part XXVII


You won't imagine, what I went through once again! Yesterday, I received my salary, today I'm again balanced! This was quite frustrating! I just got a 100 bucks till in my butt. Well okay, I've been a liddle more smart now. At least, I have already made some dispositions! ;-)

For example, I've prepared myself for a survival-month with victuals! Well I didn't expect, it would already come this month, but in the end, I better take it now, than later.

So with this, you can imagine, that I was really frustrated this morning. But I could motivate myself beyond any objections! I told myself: "Right now, more than ever!"
And I fuck' moved my ass! Made a deal, helped my bro' with a prosecution and rised my skills in the research area of my job, by reading more information for the umbrella-group appointement!

I'm on track with my goals and I'm not discouraged with any given challenge (not problems!) I'm involved right now!

I was nearly breaking down today. I almost let up the feeling:
  • For what this all?
  • What shall I fight for? - I will never come out of this!

And than I had a sudden change of heart! Something in me told me: "Harry! Is this situation new? Haven't you already gone through such in past? What's so different this time?"

To be honest, I wanted to tell myself, that I'm getting tired with all this. Just keep fighting and fighting without any results. But that's not fact! Fact is, that I got less and less depts comming up. I got friends, who helps me to get through this. I got a family, which believes and trusts in me! I got a sweety, staying at my side, even when time runs against me. I got an apartment, which I can afford to live in! I got a repaired car, which for the next years may escort me. I got food. I'm healthy. I got a brain, that functions the right way. And a job, where I can finally use my knowledge. -So what to fuck am I sulking???

The only experience I made this morning, that I can share with other is the "today's motto" ;-)

Today's motto: "If all breaks down on you in a moment, get excited! Than it's a wonderful situation to show what is in you!" HTH

Wednesday, 26 September 2007



Today I wanna talk about hypnosis. In the last days, I've been searching for several audio-CD's for auto-suggestion, suggestion and/or hypnosis. I belief, that our brain works 24/7! So I tried a test with myself on the program "speed-reading".

As I went through this in the last days, my skills in reading raised upon to more than 500 words per minute. Just by one of those hypnosis-audio's of Chris Morris! In a way, the whole approach is different when I read! The forcast is to get up to 3000 words a minute! I heared from others out there, reading with a speed of more than 50,000 (!!!) words per minute.

If I'll get up to my goal, I probabely will go through a book in about 3-4 hours (including about 300 - 500 pages). With this technic, I'll handle this huge information flood in an instant. That's what I hope about. Strangely, as I go through this subject, two of my friends, Sven and Simon are in similar phases. Sven started (so I hope ;-) ) to read the first book of Mr. Anthony Robbins, "Unlesh the power within" and Simon goes trough the audio of Chris Morris with speed reading.

The more I take myself on tests, the more my environment goes with. And this hooks me upon any limits I set for myself. Here I could bring a perfect sentence on this, but I want you to read it in the "today's motto" :-)

Today I found again a new way how to gain new business for our company. I got a new program, that helps me find any key-figures of the company in a shorter time. With a overview, that I immediately find the information I need to convince our prospects.

If I may take out the cheek, I want to ask you one question: If it's so easy, to learn new concepts by audio-files, reading-material, videos, etc..., why don't we all take use of it???

What doesn't count are answers like:

  • I'm happy, as I am right now (there's always an area, where you can be better).
  • I haven't got time (so you got enough money, right?).
  • I can't afford it (new news 4u! Many programs you already receive for free!).
  • I got more important things to do (more important then your own life???).

Don't come up with any sentence, that will but you into self-deception! My idea is, that you're much more of value!

Today's motto: The best way to learn, is to imagine, how you learn others in the given subject! Brian Tracy

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

fuck' bad mood!


Once again I'm trapped in those 'problematic'-situations. My boss wants all of a sudden to join the meeting with the umbrella organization. But I still have got very bad feelings comm' up, if he joins me there. In fact, my boss is a hard-sales-personality.

Rather me! I'm just looking on to have some deals. I don't care, how much profit I'm gonna make throughout this. And so, we'll have an unmatched situation on the meeting with them. And because he's my boss, I'll have to sit down quit and let the big manitu make his job.

If it's on me, I would just start with them talking about their branch-situation. Point out: Privatize vs. subsidy! How we would imagine to figure out with them a financing-model, where they would agree to make with us. Because in fact, but this is my own opinion, I know, that they are searching for a financing-model, where they can present to the bank! And my idea is, as their own experiance, they have been dropped from any bank in Switzerland last year and if they want in future to join with an other partner, for example our company, many other branches, would be looking or knowing us! Right?

But unfortunately, my boss doesn't have any interest regarding such principle... :-(

So, I can think about a new way, where he can join, but I got the fingertip on it! Fantastic!!!

Let's talk about something else... I'm gonna turn mad on this soon! >:-o

On Saturday, Fabienne and I have visited a natural park in Langnau a.A.! One of the real attraction in there is the bear. Because as you know, a bear has got his area, where he can move in. And now look at the pic. He probabely has got an leakage of hunderts of meters... But NO, this pet just wants to expose himself right next to the cave, where anyone can see him... ;-)
Look once, how tall he would be, if he would stand on his stand... 'starkly' nor??? :-)

Today's motto: If you don't know your goal, no way may be the right one! unknown

Friday, 21 September 2007

Manana-syndrom :-)


Do you know the manana-syndrom? But manana never comes??? :-D

I hear that over and over again...

...I'll do it tomorrow!
...Tomorrow, I got time!
...Tomorrow suits better!
...Tomorrow... what ever....

That's how we twit ourselves! And think about! Aren't you exactly same-minded in certain cases? To be honest, I am! Like for example yesterday evening. My day has been very long and I came home at about 11.15h p.m.! And I should have updated my calender, my planning-sheet and my cell. But than I told myself, com'on, it's already that late. Just relax and watch a little TV. And do you think, that this morning I did update anything??? -No! I slept to long and was in delay. So I haven't got time to do it again.

What did I learn? Manana-syndrom! Tomorrow! -Forget it! With an estimated guarantee of 80% you'll not do it "manana"! So next time I'll get it different.

As soon that next time the question will come up, if I shall update my duties, I will tell myself: "Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!" and than just go on it! I learned, that the manana-syndrom won't do anything... :-)

The commin' weekend will be again very cram! Today evening, my stupid meee, has to make the laundry. Between 7 to 10 p.m.! Lateron, Fab(e)ulous will come. Than I probabely will have to go shopping, after I visited a customer today. Tomorrow we have planned to go to the pubfestival and this now finally won't go, because those who would come with, did already neglect to come. But today, maybe, we would go shortly to visite one of our friends (Franca). She's working at the pubfestival. But I have to look, how I'm in mood, when I make the wash up to this late time. And on Sunday, we're invited to Peda's place for brunch... But... This stupid man :-)) didn't give me his address yet... *muahahahahaaa*

Well, now I'm already in weekend mood. Hope my poor customer won't feel it (so by attentional being moony). :-D

Today's motto: Though this be madness, yet there's method in't. Shakespeare, hamlet

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Different beliefs = different actions


Today I had once again the object, that my boss and I got different beliefs regarding our sales-strategies.

He wants to go the usual way to gain more business. But today, I tried something really different. I called an umbrella group of an industrial branch. I read in the news, that this branch is in need of cash. Unfortunately, they have been rejected by the state and so aren't further subsidy. In other words, they have been privatize!

Now, what I did, is I called the umbrella group, if they already have got an idea. I heared, that they're in need of about 200 to 300 Mio. Swiss Francs. So the guy there told me about the organisation and that they have excluded this issue by the university (FH) of Luzern (a Kanton in Switzerland). They shall now search for different possibilities, how they could create new tools for to finance this industrial branch. So as I talked with him, he told me, that I'm the only one, who did ask them for financing their projects. I'm in the 'Pole-Position'!

As I asked my boss, what he thinks about, he just told me, in other words, that it's waisted time! He already tried those companies, and they are save enough, that we don't have to finance them. They're liquid enough to buy all things cash. -Well I know, that he just tried the biggest houses in this area! 30%! And so I tried over the umbrella organisation to make a top/down so I got the agreement of them. -That's quite easier to approach them. Nor?! ;-)

Well I'll see, how it works out on the 2nd of October '07!

Parallel to my work, I also search for new learning-tools. I don't care, if it's audio, books, or anything else! I'm just looking how I can move upon my moment capacity. Some things I found again are the areas of:
  • Autosuggestion
  • Speed-Reading
  • Hypnosis (delta&theta)
Well I hope, that I'll find many good help to push me further! ;-)

Today's motto: You don't know, where you will go, but you'll be the first one there! unknown

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Phases in your life!


As you know, I do plannings all time long. Unless for myself or others or our company. And now I got also more skills in break down those plannings into phases. And in the branch of your own life, I think I found out the five phases, where any change has to go through.

And those are:
  1. Doings! You got to have the deeper insight, that your conditions have to change!
  2. Technics! You got to start not work hard, but smart! Find new possibilities, new ways!
  3. Self-development! Start setting goals, to be like your idols. Continuous growth!
  4. World-outlook! Carry on with new eyeglasses. Give yourself a new reality!
  5. Self-perception! Now you got a new identity. You got finally an other view of yourself!
I remember also an other listing from Anthony Robbins:
  1. Standards
  2. Beliefs
  3. Strategy
He says, in the beginning, you have to build an other standard for yourself. For example by the sentence: Who I am is much more, than I'm demonstrating right now in my life! Than you need a supporting belief that starch you with the idea, that your new standards will compete! And if you got these two steps, the strategy will show-up anyway.

I don't want to place myself as an idol, but as I told me, that wo I am is much more, than im demonstrating right now in my life, I started you harvest a inner belief, that boosted me in a new direction.

The reason, why I write over and over again similar things, is because I need on the one side this blog as a controlling for my own life. And on the other side, I care about you! I want you to know, that your problems are similar to mine. But I ask myself how I can use a problem as an asset on my learning skills! And that makes the difference between success and failure!

I can't fail anymore! Because in all those situation, I may find at least something what I could learn about.

Today's motto: There's a difference between "I already have learned something" and "really using that, what you've learned"! unknown

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Get out of my hair!


My experience with the system I invented on Sunday seams to advantage me. Just in the two days where I could test it, my productivity rised in minimum up to 25%, rather 40%!

As I already look again forward on things I want to do, I realize, that it's almost crazy. ;-) Yesterday I had to go again to my trustee. There have been different things comming up, that he didn't handle for me. So I asked myself, if I'm in need of him. Well after sitting together with him, I had to decide, -yessss! I'm very in need of this guy. In the moment he's like a buffer for me.

Any accounts in depts, -he roulez them. Terrific, aswell unlucky... Because in fact it's a evidence of incapacity.

But now, that I'm getting clear on my accounts, I already look forward on my next education! I going to make the Master of science in information: Strategy, Systems and Economics! After this last education, you may call me doc! *muahahahahaaaaa*

I found again two very good questions, I wanna share with you:
  1. Can I afford it, not to have this or that? (It's logic where you can use this - shopping)
  2. How can I...? Is always better than: Can I ...?
These are deep setted questions. So first think about them, before you say: yeah, no problem! For example "how can I" is something definitive you wanne go through. In comparison "can I"! Can I always includes also a step-back from a situation. And isn't this a pearl-knowledge you win, if you exactly know, which question do affect in such way?

Today's motto: Go up to your limit, than across it with one single step. Do it over and over again and your fortune will award you, way out of your imagination! HTH

Monday, 17 September 2007

value date

Hey volks

My weekend has been pretty nice... Had a pokernight at Friday and unfortunately didn't reach the final. And in the end, the other guy won! -You may say, as of the man before termination! Why? I'll tell you later...-soon! ;-)

Saturday was quite calmy, like for example still made my weekly shopping and lateron just watching a movie with my sweety. So here again, just laying around and doing nothing! Well I also worked all afternoon long... :-( I made something like a lifeplaner for 2007! As you may see on the pic, it's a kind of test I'm going on.

Sunday was a strange day. The morning wasn't that bad and at the time Fabienne and I where in the church, no-one could guess, what our day would bring us. After church we went home. At home we have been so lazy, that we almost fell a shame, 'cause of not going out of the house by sunny weather. But than my brother called up and asked me, if I still got the car of dad. He's in need and wanted to have it. So what a good bro' I'm, I drove to Horgen (with Fabienne) to bring Roger the dad's car. His g'friend Constanze also has been there - unfortunately, as you will see soon!

On the way back to Zurich, Roger and I have been talking about money and family. All of a sudden, Constanze bluster around, if we couldn't change therm! As I am, I looked at her and thought by myself, what a nice person she is, interrupting our chat! So I answered: "Oh yeah! Why don't we talk about pink hair?" Constanze did colour her hair pink, so imagine what happened? She went postal! Blabla seesaw! And all of a sudden she boxed me into my face! Honest! She fuck' punched me with her fist! And I really don't accept this, from anyone. And because I don't spank any women, I file charge! Anyone, who does this to me, has to expect this! And the shitty way happened, that it's the g'friend of my own brother! I asked the police, what the best would be. One of my proposal was, that she shall write me a written excuse! I'll give her exactly one week time! This Friday, if I won't find any letter of her, I'll have to go to the police. As also they are informed, that I'll come over on Friday! So how do you find that? Crazy and really shitty, no?!

And this morning, I gave to the other guy a note. In this SMS I wrote him, that I won't longer accept this contact as it is. I told him, that I waited more than 2 weeks. And I don't care about this stupid PS3. What I really care about, is that I won't go through this for anyone! Also not him! Either I got an environment, which I can count on! Or if it's not possible, I have to neglect the contact with me. And so I wrote him this! Also crazy aswell!?

So many strange things are happening in the last days to me. But it's nice, that I got again some strange stories happening.

Today's motto: Much learning does not teach understanding! Heraklit

Friday, 14 September 2007

Let's talk about drugZ


The strange guy told me yesterday, that he would bring the PS3 today... Well... This time I intervene! I told him: "Stop talking, that you bring me this PS3. Just bring it! Strange on it is, that every time, the manner is the PS3, something comes between. I don't care if you lie, but as soon, I'm involved with my mind, by doing some anticipation or so, -it's over! Do you feel me?!"

And he said, that he does understand me. But I couldn't imagine, how many shit happened exactly the past two weeks in his life... -Well, he's right, -I don't know! But I don't really care about... :-)

So have I been fair? Did I react to harshly? I think, that in two weeks, you should be able to bring over an issue like this one. And no, I don't think, that I treated him harshly! Because the tone I used has been very polite.

As well in the last days, many people around me talk about any kind of drugz. I make a list of all them:

    • Cocaine, in the office I got some guys talking about and probabely taking it.
    • Weed, my friends and I do smoke from time to time.
    • LSD, a guy I met in a store asked me, if I'm interessted to buy, but no THX!
    • XTC, I have been asked at the last party in the A1 - disco.
    • Ritalin, students here in Switzerland misuse it as doping for the brain at school.
    • Anti-depressiva, people I know uses them for what reason ever.
    • GHB, one of my friends loves it, -I just tried once, but I can't find the WOW-effect.
    • Nikotin, I stopped smoking! Yesss!
    • Amphetamin, one of my friends takes it for BB (bodybuilding).
    • Ephedrine, same friend as Amphetamin.
    • Magic - Mashrooms, well - two persons of my environment asked me, if I would join a round.
All in all, I hear mostly of those drugz in my environment. Isn't this tough?! So many things I'm confronted in my everydays life. So regarding this subject, I went to the homepage of the european commitee for drugz ( / / It's very interesting. Most of them just inform how you can use drugs in a secure way! Non of them tells you, that it's no good... :-))) Well, I don't want to animate anyone to take drugs, but what I find funny is, that they all just tell you what is going to happen with you, if you take it. But there's no counter-campaign! And this I find blithe!

So for this weekend, I'm looking forward to my PS3 (hahahahahahaaaa) and just to relax and work a little... but all in all I just love this free time, that I can use for me!

Today's motto: The truth is our precious property, let's be canny with it! Mark Twain

Thursday, 13 September 2007

A day without success :-(


Today my usual rhytm didn't settle down. Somehow, I'm just wasting one contact after the other. So what am I supposed to do? Change focus! I know that today isn't my acquisition day. I got about 40 contacts left, where alone today I wasted 20 of them! So what shall I do?

Lucky me, that this afternoon I got an other issue on desk! I have to visite a possible new partner of our house. She's a woman with different financing - projects. Today she wants to know, if we are it worth and if we are possible prospects for her customers.

Last Monday I forgot to mention a real strange happend story. So I want to repass on this one:

As you knew, I had to bring my father's car to the garage. And later on, as I went to fetch it up again, a strange indian guy came to me. He came from a square street on the opposite of the garage where I have been. So he saw me, came toward me with a biiiiig smile. :-D

And now the strange guy started like this: "Hello! I want to shake hands with you!" Well as you can imagine, I wasn't that open-minded to him, so my reaction: "Why?" And now it comes(!!!) "Because you're a very lucky and popular person. Many person like you!" And so how could I change different, than shake hands with him ;-)

He took a piece of shrinked paper and put it into my hands. He said, I shall hold it, while talking to him.

Than he started to tell me the following things and please give a special attention on this!
"The streak of your bad luck is over! Last year two people you love separated. And a love that you had, left you alone. And a man you have been taken as an ideal, died. But listen, it's all over now! Already next month, I see a change! From the 13. October 2007, your life will change forever. From this date on, you'll have a run of good luck! You'll get very old... approx. between 82 to 85 years old."

Well to this guy! My parents are in a divorcement. My fiancée left me last year. And my grandpa died some months ago! So as you can imagine, I was like paralized after his small intermezzo!

The guy told me: "Don't worry, you got a woman now, that really loves you very much!"

Than he topped it again! He said: "Think about a flower and tell me the name!" As I know myself, I always have to heavier this kind of tests. So I took an exotic flower! Not somehow a Rose or an Orchide. -Because everyone takes one of these. I took a Lotus! (As of nobody would say this one 8-) ) And than the guy said:"Open the piece of paper I gave to you before our discussion!" And as I opened it, it was written on it: Lotus!

After this, he left! That was the whole story. I thought by myself, it has to be a trick! I liked to hear it. What he told me all and what he knew about me. But after all, I'm not aloud to belief it. The Ten Commandments of my religion want it this way!

But it was strange! Nor?! :-)

Today's motto: Don't say, you want to give! Just give it! J.W.Goethe

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

past days

Oh my gosh...

Non-stop on the lane! And yesterday I really had have a successful day. I had an investors occasion. I met different CEO's and CFO's from all over the world. And to tell you, I'm sure that I can use once upon a time their contacts.

Just in the last months I got all in all about 50 new contacts in the C-level. If I go on like that, I know I play in the same level as they do.

Somehow, nothing else happens in the last days. Just got still the other humanoid, who should give me the PS3. But to be honest on this, I don't expect anything more from him. On Monday he and Simon had a talk regarding the social department. As soon you're jobless, you can fill out the form needed and on the following months, they gonna pay you 70% from your last salary. And so he was talking regarding this all and bla bla bla... unfortunately, if you're a family father, you get 80%! -So I asked myself once again: "If this guy would have family, wouldn't he know that by his own???" Simon meant, that he maybe didn't realize it and didn't calculate, if it's 70 or 80%, 'cause he anyway got's enough. -Well I doubt it!

So we got still four days to go maximal. And solong I'm on it, I don't do any prejudices. -What really is quite heavy with a guy that holds one for stupid.

Hmm... I had to pay for my cars repair 1300.-!!! isn't this a pain in the ass??? 8-(

...well at least I can drive again to the office... :-P

Today's motto: Nobody knows the death, further on this, no-one knows, if it's the biggest gift the human receives! Sokrates

Monday, 10 September 2007



Today I'm in a really strange mood. Somehow I'm just set standby. All what I'm doing is asking myself in each moment, 'what is priority'?
What I wanted to do, isn't the one I do right in the moment. In other words you may say, I'm distracted.

Maybe I'm lack of sleep. Yesterday we went to an occasion called "Knabenschiessen" and as we returned, we looked up to today's mornin' "Kill Bill Vol. 1" 8-)

The 'Knabenschiessen' is an occasion similar like to a country fair. But the reason is different. With our one, we fete the best young-shooter of the Kanton Zurich. But the whole 'trarra' around it's, is similar to a country fair.

Today I couldn't work the way I've been used to, since beginning this year. I'm used to work at my office. But today I had to bring my father's car to the service, aswell my own car, is in the service... So what did I do? I just work at my family's (fathers) home.

I've to do this for dad, because he's gone to the Philippines making holiday! Two weeks from now on he's there couching in the sun and takes each day to the fullest. ;-) Yeah dad! You deserved it, but don't forget us here! ;-)

And as you can imagine, it's quite different here... all is set up so dingy. Not that I would say, that I find myself in a messy place. But to work, it's really the wrong place. :-(
So in other words, I'm just doing some process-optimations... As soon one of the garages call me, I'm out of here... (Estimated at 500 p.m.)

Today's motto: We live to hard in the past, are to anxious to the futur and forget to live in the presence. Jack London

Friday, 7 September 2007

Hanging on old patterns?


Yesterday evening Simon came along alone... Well the other guy, of all reason didn't come with the PS3 and Sven had to accompany his g'friend, because she was ill.

I just want to come back to the other guy again and terminatory! As you can see, this guy is starting to reflect my mind with his lies. So after all, he still has got the next week, before I get rid of him. I gave him the chance and I have been unprejudiced regarding his person. But finally a liar like him looses all.

- The contact with me.
- Our environment.
- Any kind of respect.

At last, I'm grateful to have made this experience. So in futur I'll find out easier and faster, if a person comm' into my environment really deserves it or not... :-D

An other term this mornin' that also triggered my emotional, was the success I had with some closures. Deal-closures... four in one row! That's a record! Four on one day is more than usual. It's higher than normal. And it's even more than good! It's simply over the top! So with other words, I'm getting more and more satisfied on my job. If this would be the new average, I'd earn an other CHF 30,000.- a month!!!

I don't expect myself to hold this level upright, but it's worth to try on each day... I can't loose anything by just trying. And the education I made alone because of those deals, will pitchfork me hopefully to a higher level at work.

I'm looking forward on the comm' weekend. I know, it will become terrific! I'm getting excited on any given situation and that hooks me up! Just change frustration into excitement! As simple it sounds, as simple as it is. Just ask again the right questions! ;-)

Today's motto: Demand a lot from yourself and expect less from others. That keeps you away from greater suffering! ;-) chinese saying

Thursday, 6 September 2007

It's a successful day


Terrific... I started earlier than normal and made more issues than usual... I had again an appointment with an other business-partner of our company and had several trials to gain new business. But finally, I went through all with excellence. ;-)

This evening some of my old friends come over. I'm looking forward to this rally. And also on going the fact of my other fellow who should bring me the PS3 today... So what would this tell me? As I wrote on the last post, this guy isn't that reliable..., but if he showes me, that he wants to stand at least clear to me, by finally keeping his own word up, than I'm fine...

I had also a talk with different peoples, asking me, why I don't cheese it! I want to tell you about my object. If there's any one out there, who didn't lie at least once in his life, ...! Probabely I don't have to finish this sentence... each one of us does lie!

An example: You feel shitty! One of your buddies asks you, how you are. What do you usually tell him... automaticly... : I'm fine or I'm good! Did you hurt him with lying to him? -No... Not really... does it mean, you want to bother him deliberately? -No!

So in this case... I also lied many times. Also in other terms, but in the end, I didn't mind to hurt anyone intentionally. Why should I judge someone else, who just lies, but doesn't reflect any further on my mind? If it would start, to reflect my mind, than I'm getting into rage and want to neglect it.

Everyone will be judged in the end! Each single one of us!!! So all what is out-side of this cycle, I don't have to intervene! It will be done anyway!

To come back on this guy, as long as he lies on me, just to feel him self better, I don't care actually. But as soon it would reflect my mind - it's over!


Yesterday I travelled around the EU to handle some problems in our house... -Well, I didn't know from the beginning, that I would be the one who has to handle it! My boss and the board-members gave me a challenge, that's far beyond any comfort-zone in my idyllic life... They want me, to create a concept, how we can rise our sale! -In one month!!! 8-)

And I also commited yesterday to my boss, that I want to make the Master of sience in project management (PM) in 2008. So let me get a small preview of this all:

1) Till next March I want to have finished all my depts (CHF 30,000.-). Latest Summer 2008!!!

2) I have to create a concept for our company, how we can rise our sale! Than I'll have to proof them, that it works out within one year! If I proof it, they'll give me more responsibility and more staff in my underline!

3) I want to go on with the last etape of my studies in making the master in sience of PM and will finish it in the year 2011! (with 31 years)

These all are major goals... either I'll break on them, or succeed! And to be honest, I take the success! ;-)

Today's motto: In the common world of fact the wicked were not punished, nor the good rewarded. Success was given to the strong, failure thrust upon the weak. That was all. Oscar Wild, The Picture of Dorian Gray - chapter 18!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

How dare from you...


Yesterday I had a very strange and effort-taking day. Monday mornin' and I have been called at about 8.00 a.m. (or even before) to go to Biel (BE - An other canton in Switzerland) to a customer! As you can imagine, that's a pain in the ass! ;-)

As I was there, I just made a presentation of our house. That was all! Finish after! No other work no other customer. So I used the time from about 3-4.00 p.m. for myself!

I got a fellow in my environment, who's really a strange guy! Actually, he's a nice person. But on the other side, he's a liar! As long, as his lies are reflective on a single destiny (his own), I don't care. Because in the end, he has to stand this alone. But last weekend, it started also to reflect on my mind!

I just want to give some examples on this:

He says, he's got a wife and children.
-But actually, he's always out on the lane! Doesn't matter, if it's on weekends or during the week. This guy is always out on the lane! So here the first strange question comes up: If you would be a father! Wouldn't you like to spend as much time as possible with your own kidz? Or would you always hang around with your friends?

He says, he has been working for a company called "Maag Holding AG".
-But, I made my research (as a research manager it's quite easy for me) and this company, doesn't exist any more, since 2003! And the guy, he's working for, doesn't apear in any entry of the commercial register (But he should, because it's the law, that anyone with a company, has to be registered there).

He says, he's working as a real estate broker and is department chief of about 20 persons (in a company that doesn't exist since 2003) :-)
-But, he already has problems to write numbers in letters! Example 'tow' in place of 'two' or 'paars' in place of 'pairs'. (He had to write it down for our pokernight two or three weeks ago).

All these, didn't disturb me. Because I thougt by myself, that he needs to lie in this way, that he can feel himself accepted in our environment (what isn't true!). But the last weekend, he made it really cheap! He told me, he would bring me the PS3, as he's got a fortune contact, who could give me this cheaper, than in the store. Well yeah, I thought, why not. But than - as he came, he told me, that his wife would bring it later to my place... all of a sudden, he had have a dispute with his wife in the mornin', so that she didn't like to bring the PS3... Than he still owe me money... in the meantime about just 50 bucks... isn't that much, but it is starting to get more.

See, I tried to keep it up to him. I thought, nevermind, if he lies. Every person has a reason why... and in the beginning, it always reflected on a single destiny... his own! But on the last example I gave, it infected already my own destiny. Why? I was looking forward to recieve the PS3... Unfortunately, it didn't work out. Nevermind, actually! But why to fuck, did he tell me, that his wife (probabely just imaginary visualized) had a dispute with him in the mornin', but would be that good in mood, to bring this case to my home... and why didn't he say it before? If it's true, why didn't he say something like: Listen, I didn't go home for your PS3, because I had a dispute with my wife and now I'm trying just to get some distance... is it okay, if I bring you the PS3 tomorrow?

I don't care regarding this stupid PS3. If I'm really in need of it, I can go and take it by myself! But what I need, is an environment, that I can trust! I trust them even, if I exactly know, that they lie! Because as long as their lies don't reflect to/on me, they have to carry it by their own. But with such kind of lies, that I am pleased on something, that isn't possible from the beginning... that's kind of too much for me!

So yesterday, I thought about him and the relationship with him. I'll give him a chance... and I will give him only one! If I won't see this PS3 for the next two weeks, I split up with him! But if he can bring me really one (these would be at least a proof, that he wants to stay clear with me), than he's got an other chance, but just with one hash! Never again he will lie to me! I'm like a living polygraph, my friends know that! And if he'll start again to lie, I'm fuck' getting rid of him! >:-O

Today's motto: Them that asks no questions isn’t told a lie!