Monday, 10 September 2007



Today I'm in a really strange mood. Somehow I'm just set standby. All what I'm doing is asking myself in each moment, 'what is priority'?
What I wanted to do, isn't the one I do right in the moment. In other words you may say, I'm distracted.

Maybe I'm lack of sleep. Yesterday we went to an occasion called "Knabenschiessen" and as we returned, we looked up to today's mornin' "Kill Bill Vol. 1" 8-)

The 'Knabenschiessen' is an occasion similar like to a country fair. But the reason is different. With our one, we fete the best young-shooter of the Kanton Zurich. But the whole 'trarra' around it's, is similar to a country fair.

Today I couldn't work the way I've been used to, since beginning this year. I'm used to work at my office. But today I had to bring my father's car to the service, aswell my own car, is in the service... So what did I do? I just work at my family's (fathers) home.

I've to do this for dad, because he's gone to the Philippines making holiday! Two weeks from now on he's there couching in the sun and takes each day to the fullest. ;-) Yeah dad! You deserved it, but don't forget us here! ;-)

And as you can imagine, it's quite different here... all is set up so dingy. Not that I would say, that I find myself in a messy place. But to work, it's really the wrong place. :-(
So in other words, I'm just doing some process-optimations... As soon one of the garages call me, I'm out of here... (Estimated at 500 p.m.)

Today's motto: We live to hard in the past, are to anxious to the futur and forget to live in the presence. Jack London

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