Monday, 31 March 2008

Difficulty on decisions!


Soon two weeks, where I didn’t write a new post into my blog. Reasons are:

  1. Motivation (-deep)
  2. Distraction on priorities
  3. And all time long the question “what shall I do next?”

I have been already some times in similar positions, but never in this way. Why?

Let me give you a short view over my situation right now:

I got already some job-offers, but none of them really seems to suite me for the next five years. The consulting company already set in a further step. I passed the second interview with the CEO there, but to be honest, I wasn’t on my highest shape to sell my person, nor personality. I couldn’t set in a standard where I would have been poised to him. He was/is a very pragmatic and conservative guy, who really was very keen on searching any gaps in my CV. –Overall I may say, that I can’t evaluate how the interview was. Maybe good, maybe wanky. And finally I have to write a letter, where I shall explain why I’m the right person for this job!

An other offer was a position as a CFO – quite coaxing but I don’t think I’m the write person yet for this kind of responsibility and liability. Not least I haven’t got the experience yet.

An other negative answer I received from a financing company, which gave as reason that I’m over qualified for the position they first approached me!

Debts are outstanding but I could set up agreements with the most debtees. After all, they’ve got an understanding for my situation. J (or the fact better later than never…)

However, right now I don’t feel myself very comfortable. I want to get clear with my life and future.

At the end of each tunnel light shines! My light shone already since last Friday! (By the way: my birthday-bash on the pic)

On my private mandates in the commodity business I’ve got two parties which already committed their agreement to set up a contract to make business! This coming Friday I’ll have to sign up a pre-contract for any margin and earning belongs. As soon this contract will be signed by all parties, we can go further on the main-contract with the seller and buyer! Hopefully this will be the long expected deal!

So after all the story doesn’t end here! Many things still have to be conquered and discovered. And as you say: I won’t give up till the last drop of blood will fall! I got a master plan to fulfill and this concludes to give my share for a better world. Hospitals and welfare institutions still have to be build … -I guess, I’ve got a kind of a vision! Some clarity work to do on this ;-)

I have to start again prioritize things as an issue, than I have to come up with a plan (included sequence of my master plan). Something I have to fulfill. Yes, that’s the right way…

Today’s motto: Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Crazy times

Dear all,

Near Easter and soon one week no more working I start again to reboot my activities in the market. I’ve got till end of March around three further interviews with banks and financing institutes. Most of my endeavours are concentrated in banking and financing. Exceptional the key account manager within a consulting company. I’m not yet clear with the job-details I would have to do there, but the company size and their philosophy sounds very interesting to me. So maybe, if I’m getting more sure with the details, I’ll take up a completely new challenge in a new branch of business.

Momentary I got two areas where I have to get clear.

1) Finances/Accounting
2) And the question: Where do I want to work in the next 5 years?

On step one I’m probably further. As it seems I got the possibility to take up a credit over the amount 10’ to 15’k. This will help me out of my momentary situation and will allow me to start the new job as soon it takes place immediate and without any bad debts.

On step two I have to reconsider which job will settle in and I can imagine to keep up for the next three to five years. I’ve got job offers, but I still haven’t decided or confirmed which of those would be the one. In this moment, I wouldn’t be averse to come away from the “sharks” branch. But on the other hand, I got the best possibility there to gain huge amounts. Actually I’ve still got just one ultimate target: Gaining a huge amount, somewhere around 80mm, and with this cash hedging my income and with this power helping people all over the world which are in need. For example building a welfare institution in a third-world country. -Or any kind of this direction, where in the end of day you can see what you’ve build.

So my focus right now is mainly with my mandates. If I can move one of these contracts to fulfilment, I don’t think that I’d have any serious problems coming up in future.

But once again; taking is cheep! Time has come where I don’t have to talk just one word, but rather taking action. So let’s talk about the positive thinks I’ve got with this situation.

I’ve got…

1) … time! At least time till May 08!
  • Time to make sports/athletics/martial arts
  • Time to read and learn autodidactic
  • Time to create a master plan for the next months and years
  • Time to network
  • Time to get clear
2) … an environment which wants to help me.
3) … a family which supports me in any matter.

4) … a main squeeze who loves me in any kind of challenge or situation.
5) … belief!
  • Belief in Jesu/God
  • Belief in my own abilities
  • Belief in myself
  • Belief that the momentary situation won’t last forever
  • Belief that times will come up again where I’m wealthy
6) … covered my daily expenses for
  • Food
  • Car
  • Phone/Cell/Internet/TV
7) … thousands of contacts all over the world, which I already met personally.
8) … motivation to start something new.

9) … health.

10) … a roof over my head.

11) … mandates for commodity belongs.

12) … know-how in different areas like:
  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • Couching
  • Communication
  • Sales
  • Religions
  • Philosophy
  • Captaincy
  • Military (Anti-Terrorist-squad)
  • Martial arts
  • Athletics
  • Parcour
  • Networking
  • Kaizen - Management
  • NLP
  • A great common knowledge
  • Meeting own set targets to fulfilment

Maybe just twelve points, but twelve points with sub-categories! All in all, I’m not afraid, because I’m of high capability and quality. The person I’m today is much more than I’ve ever dreamed of. So finally, now is the best time I got to shape my future for wealth and satisfaction. I won’t deny! Then every wrong attempt discarded is an other step forward! Thanks Edison! ;-)

Today’s Motto: If you can dream it, you can do it! Walt Disney

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Fired! (please read also former post)

Ciao peoples

This morning has been really very, as you say in the UK: “Fuckin’ Funny!”

I went to the office to do my job. I knew that my boss wanted to talk with me. As I entered his office he was very enjoyable. I didn’t think any bad thing as he finally opened the chat.

“Harry, you’re fired!”

I just hard swallowed. Asked for the reason and he looked at me like he first had to study what to say. Than he started, that I didn’t meet the target (well I did, but not the way as he wanted – not for him – for our company), the trust between me and the company is destroyed and not repairable (In fact it’s just between him and me) and finally he concluded I didn’t do my job! (As in my contract stands, there are urgent cases, where I can be used for other duties – and our CEO told me, I shall concentrate on winning deals in the market and shouldn’t quibble with small shit.)

Now in the end, the situation is the following: Two of my supported projects may find now the finishing and very probable, the deals may be closed. The margin I would get, are finally falling into the downline of my boss. So I guess, he won, if he really can change it the way this morning by firing me! This is a completely new situation. I didn’t expect that our CEO would be that credulous and would change his opinion that easy or even that fast. My boss told me, that our CEO gave his blessing over my layoff. In the end, the facts show I’m without job! Crazy!! How come our CEO could write me less than one week ago, that he wants me to focus on winning deals and it shouldn’t be an issue to handle the differences between my boss and me. I can’t get it. Somehow any kind of case someone had to tell him a STORY, which he took for granted. But even then, he should be reliable and approach me to hear my storyline…

So, I just left the office and not even 15 minutes later my (ex-) boss announced my cancellation to our intranet. From then on, my phone kept on running and different emails dropped in. All kind of peoples want to ask me what happened. The only approach I can give is that not once I know what exactly happened. What shall I say? –It has been a surprise par excellence how shit happens. Now I can start to ask myself, if I overestimate myself. Or what did I do wrong? Or what ever question won’t bring me any further, just bringing me more down and depressed. I tell you guys, I won’t deny my reputation. I have plenty of co-workers, agents, brokers, customers who tell me how they appreciate my work and manners.

Just some minutes ago, the guy from a large private bank out here called me regarding our cooperation. –I told him what happened and he immediately cancelled the whole project. He told me, that he can’t accept a partner in their house, who layoffs a man like me with this kind of reasons. Later he offered me his network for my job-seeking! What an offer! Thank you!

What is left to do? I think the best would be, if I go through my network and see if there’s an outcome… and on the other hand, I guess some weeks now the best is just to get some distance to the whole case. ;-)

Today’s motto: For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, 12 March 2008


Dear all,

In the last days I’ve got plenty of discussion how my future shall be tracked. On the one site I’ve got new options to pull. Last Monday I could go for an interview to a consultant company. They showed themselves as very interested to my person, where today I shall get the date for my second interview. On the other hand, even “google” opened a new branch in Zurich and have shown different position, which would match to my profile. End of March ‘08 I may have my first internal impression of their house.

This would mean that per today I can approach another strategy with my current employer. My current boss wants to move all projects I’ve supported since last November into his downline. Our CEO told me, not to care about such issue and I shall concentrate on winning deals in the market. Now I’ve got two deals which we can finalize and one boss, who also want to be involved. –Probably by reason of margin belongs.

Now to my strategy: I’ll involve him into my projects. So if in the end, he’ll beg that these projects should be moved into his downline and it would be accepted by the upper management, I’ve got the proof, that the philosophy of our company won’t suite for a further cooperation with me. So in this case my decision will be falling either on the consulting company or to the internet giant. It would be a bummer, because in the moment I’ve got projects stocking my desk with a total volume of around 100 Mio. Euro. But for me it’s too pity to deal with such things, while on the other site I’ve to bounce for my own supported projects. In such a case, no one could bear a grudge to me. On the one site, I’ve been fair enough to show my loyalty to our company, if it’s not mutual, this would be reason enough to leave! If they handle the case with 100% absolute fairness, I still can stay and neglect the others. –Just fucky funny and 101% fair! ;-)

But this whole ballyhoo also had its negative consequences. The job obviously just can be offered to the 1st of the month and because I expected it this month, somehow it didn’t set in… -So it has to be now on the 1st of April. This means I have to recalculate my creditors. I put them of from February to March. Now is March and my higher salary will drop in next month – April – not March. Now I’ve to promise them again one month later. Hopefully none of them will neglect my demand! This month I got to pay my flat and my trustee. But on the authority office for the enforcement of payments I also still have got an amount which I’ve to pay now, or they will make an attachment.

I urgently need money! The question is how I will come into the position where I can gain money ASAP!?? I got a friend who makes the brokerage issues for me. –I can’t beg him for more. I got another friend, which offered me to pay my trustee if the amount which I’ve involved into the brokerage will be divided. Now what about my flat? Shall I hope that my bank will pay it and will let me fall into the depts with their account? I will have to ask someone to lend me cash and therefore I just can go to ask my family. But unfortunately my dad I can’t ask for, because he just desperate with my mummy. My mummy? Maybe! My bro’? –No chance. My g’mom – no way! I never asked her for something like this. So in the end only one problem will come up. How shall I pay my flat for March? –My employer plays hide and seek and plays out my new position into April! I got just one force for good! I can still stand over things to handle them. Also if the situation right now is quite shitty, I need to go trough all this. Because in the end, it’s the opposite! I’ll share with my friends and family the assets I’ll take out in future if I pass through this!

I hope you’ll accord me through my momentary situation. It’s time to handle and give action.

Today’s motto: Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. Bruce Barton

Monday, 3 March 2008

Goodbye nerves!


In the last days the capacity where I’ve been exposed was on the highest since years. My boss gave me the same offer as last week and finally our CEO also confirmed it would be the company-offer to or for me!

What shall I say? I’m happy our CEO gave his rubber-stamp on this issue. And so I finally took their offer as per today. Coming now to something really hardcore stuff what probably makes you stare question marks!

My boss wanted me to swallow following case:

He said that as soon I start in the new position all my projects and all other stuff will be reset! So I may start from zero! Than we even got closer to the projects. Two high potentially prospects, which already committed their agreement to take the financing with our house, -he wanted to take into his pipeline! And to be clear with you guys – this case I found really rude! Nowhere this kind of approach would be legally approved. But he really wanted to check my guts. As it’s still in my memory, I almost stood up and yelled “this is criminal”. I couldn’t get the point!

But finally as our CEO’s word should be reliable he told me not to render me into such kind of sh** and agreed that it’s not our policy. –So to translate this diplomatic answer I guess he told me the case is dealt and I shouldn’t be afraid.

Curiously my boss was very business like to me today and really focused on businesses and didn’t actually step on my nerves. It seems like someone handled the issue the upright way. God bless!

Funny enough these two projects gave me quite a compliment today. Both, independent from each other, told me that they are very happy to work together with me. They said that other companies not even made half of the work, which I did to win them, resp. their commitment to our services. And how come this is possible?

Here to my secret of winning prospects:

  • Be upright all the time.
  • Any issue what comes in, answer and handle immediate!
  • Threat people the way they want be threaded, but never loose the respect to your own person!
  • Hold up your own standards and ethic codec – never play games where you don’t know the roulez!

Sorry to bother you in the last posts continuously with my business belong. But to be honest, it’s the term which takes the most energy at this time and where I really have to write about. Imagine the last days I had. I risk all to win and now it looks like I won. But to take this kind of stress you have to be clear on what your goals are. You need guts to fulfill the result you want. But it also has been, or still is a challenge for my life. And just because it’s a life-challenge for me, I have to take such risks to be once upon a time free. Free to me means to live your life according your own concept. And finally: Bear the price!

Today’s motto: I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am the prod. Winston Churchill