Monday, 3 March 2008

Goodbye nerves!


In the last days the capacity where I’ve been exposed was on the highest since years. My boss gave me the same offer as last week and finally our CEO also confirmed it would be the company-offer to or for me!

What shall I say? I’m happy our CEO gave his rubber-stamp on this issue. And so I finally took their offer as per today. Coming now to something really hardcore stuff what probably makes you stare question marks!

My boss wanted me to swallow following case:

He said that as soon I start in the new position all my projects and all other stuff will be reset! So I may start from zero! Than we even got closer to the projects. Two high potentially prospects, which already committed their agreement to take the financing with our house, -he wanted to take into his pipeline! And to be clear with you guys – this case I found really rude! Nowhere this kind of approach would be legally approved. But he really wanted to check my guts. As it’s still in my memory, I almost stood up and yelled “this is criminal”. I couldn’t get the point!

But finally as our CEO’s word should be reliable he told me not to render me into such kind of sh** and agreed that it’s not our policy. –So to translate this diplomatic answer I guess he told me the case is dealt and I shouldn’t be afraid.

Curiously my boss was very business like to me today and really focused on businesses and didn’t actually step on my nerves. It seems like someone handled the issue the upright way. God bless!

Funny enough these two projects gave me quite a compliment today. Both, independent from each other, told me that they are very happy to work together with me. They said that other companies not even made half of the work, which I did to win them, resp. their commitment to our services. And how come this is possible?

Here to my secret of winning prospects:

  • Be upright all the time.
  • Any issue what comes in, answer and handle immediate!
  • Threat people the way they want be threaded, but never loose the respect to your own person!
  • Hold up your own standards and ethic codec – never play games where you don’t know the roulez!

Sorry to bother you in the last posts continuously with my business belong. But to be honest, it’s the term which takes the most energy at this time and where I really have to write about. Imagine the last days I had. I risk all to win and now it looks like I won. But to take this kind of stress you have to be clear on what your goals are. You need guts to fulfill the result you want. But it also has been, or still is a challenge for my life. And just because it’s a life-challenge for me, I have to take such risks to be once upon a time free. Free to me means to live your life according your own concept. And finally: Bear the price!

Today’s motto: I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am the prod. Winston Churchill

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