Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Pie in the sky!

Cheers me!

Have you ever been in the situation, where you knew that changes are standing on in your life, but because you move on a thin line between falling and winning you didn’t figure out in which way the changes will come?

Sometimes I get in the position where I think I risk too much. But on the other hand, I can’t face the situation and accept it how it is! It’s like: “Is this all I get?” But before I get into a melancholic state I need also to list up the facts. I’m now 28 years old and from August 08 I may start for a financing company as a sales & marketing manager/director. My earnings are beyond any ‘normal’ other persons in my age (6-digits a year). And still I’ve got the feeling that life doesn’t give me the piece I’m worth. As some of my readers know, I’ve also got debts. Debts aloft 5-digits! Even if I earn 6-digits, it will take too much time away before I can start to build up something substantial.

In the meantime I invested plenty of time to get also another deal set up in the commodity area. Some of the guys I work with are dreamers. Does it make me also an unprofessional dreamer? Probably a bit! Hard fact, but it’s a fact that I can’t move way. In other respects I got quit tough professionals, which want to move on with any possible way. But here I’ve got an axiom: “Don’t swim with the sharks if you’re a small fish!”

Also nothing else than realistic is not to introduce the dreamers with the pro’s. It might end in a way I’d loose both of them, because the dreamers might blow up the relation I’ve build up in the last years with the pro’s. I feel sorry to face also this fact, but it is. So here I am and finally came to the decision not to waste any time more in this direction, aside from what I’ve done already.

From next week on, I’ll focus on my new position as a sales & marketing manager/director. I’ve got already plenty of evaluated projects, which I can use for a fast and substantial start within the new company.

Finally coming still to another picture: Last week I made again something for my soul, spirituality and mental health. I went once again to a Christian’s Children-Camp as a camp leader. Unfortunately I just could stay for the half time, but at least I could take distance from my situation. I had very good conversations with people who care. I had a very nice nature ambience (see pic, the glacier is backing out). And I could just sooth my soul in this whole environment. It’s always very important to me to earth myself from time to time. Knowing from where I come and where I want to go. This camp, even if it has been a short time, helped me to find again the way I want to set in for my future. The time there also showed me another fact: “It’s my life and my responsibility who I’ll be in future.” For me it’s something I never lost. It’s an attribute I’ve always been used to, but maybe lost a little from my view. The attribute I’m taking is FIGHT! –For my future and my life it’s always worth to fight. But in the last weeks I’ve just been searching for excuses and I’ve been hiding from the painful reality that right now I need to stand up once again and to move on! –To fight!

Operation “Mindfuck” is still going on! I didn’t forget about it, but honestly it is way more than I first thought. So I’ll return on it ASAP.

Today’s motto: The winner in life is the one who stands up one more time than he falls! unknown

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