Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Long time no hear!

Ciao Ragazzi

For good one month, I didn’t write any posts. Some of you already started to write me on my email to hear or see, how live goes on around here…

I didn’t want to break or even drop the blog. –I just had “fucking” much to do! :-D

In the meantime, I faced pretty many discrepancies in my life. Things like: Hidden debts I didn’t want to see. Job-illusions on some applied jobs… and so on!

In this good one month you didn’t hear from me, I suffered many situations, -again. Try to call my creditors for an arrangement and finally had to face, that I can’t even match the agreement with them, because in fact I just have got a lousy mandate-income, that effectively pays my flat and daily expenses and that’s it! No other areas can be balanced! –Neither the insurances, nor the residual bills like phone, health fund, etc…

As I could take out from some of your letters to me, some of you guys are in similar situations and want to know, how I go on right now… -well my dear fellows, I’m going to start a 2nd job. What else? In this kind of situation, I’m very pragmatic and steady. In other words that means, that I have to move on – so I can reach a monthly income – in any given way (that’s ethic and morally fungible) that holds me over water. –And if honestly some of you guys are in the same situation, what is your suppose? Fact is, that as long I haven’t got a position within a job that’s adequate and pays me the right way, I need to organize a way to reach the standard I’m in! Right?! ;-)

Some of you also asked me, how I can stay ‘All-Time’ that positive… -The answer is: I DON’T!!!

C’mon! You don’t believe that there’s really a person, that’s all day long, 24/7 happy and gay?! The difference is, when you’re down or depressive or just in bad mood, to catch yourself again – or in bad case not…

The difference I’m talking about is: the time span!

In fact all of us know, that after a slide you have again to climb. The natural law of: “Rise and Fall” and I know the following will be even harder, but it’s the truth! “Just the dead fish swim with the current”

If you’re really in the same situation, stop finding excuses why your situation is different! Stop starting sentence with “BUT”! Be straight with yourself. It might be hard (you bet it is!), but in the end it’s your life you’ve to deal with! If there’s something I learned in the meantime, so it’s the one single thing I give you now: No other than you will move your ass – your life! It’s your/my own responsibility! –Neither your mummy, nor daddy, nor sister or brother, nor your friends, nor any other! I don’t say, that to have a good environment doesn’t help (rather the opposite), but in fact, you can’t count on any else than you! That’s one of the hardest fact I had to swallow in the past, but it made me being hip again! Quite honest, you haven’t got an other choice, if you’re really in the same or similar situation like me…

To the end, I want to commit that I’ll hold up the blog as long as …(???) ! :-)

Don’t be afraid, I won’t stop it that soon.

Today’s motto: I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one. Mark Twain

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