Wednesday, 4 July 2007

DAY 10!


Till today I haven't focused on my situations problematic! If I had a bad thought, I changed it in a heartbeat into something resourceful. Today I got the feeling, as if people around me would know about. Some try to strike my limit, but I'm still positive at last. :-P

And how could I fall right now into something negative? This morning I closed again an other one! I'm not allowed to say any names, but it's one of the largest factorer for swiss choccolate. (I know what the girls think now: "hmmm.... choccolate")

Today I'm invited for dinner with my mom. I can't make head or tail of the reason why. But probabely it's just to meet her once again. Since her last birthday, that she has been spending all alone, she felt rejected, -by her environment! But I think she doesn't realize, that she's still being loved by her family!

As well in a kind of clinch is my dearest bro'! He didn't go right into details, but I guess that his g'friend broke up the relationship. And naturally, he doesn't feel that good at the moment. But I just know too well, how he feels right now. Last year my fiancée broke up, also thousands of miles/kilometers away from me. As reason she told me, that if I would have been next to her, she couldn't have done this. And some months after she broke up, she tried to come back again, but after she had an other measure with one of my (ex-)colleagues, I think she changed to much ... (if I wouldn't be in a new amour anyway)

So what I want to say: If I were him, I would give anything, to move on. There's nothing else that stands out, anyway. You have to! If you want or not. Such things happen. In the moment it's hard and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as soon as possible you have to come out of this. Life has to go on! You have to find the right questions right now.

They could be:
- What can I learn from this situation?
- What was exactly the reason for the split?

- What can I change in future on such?
- What can I do right now, to get things better again?

And don't ask yourself:

- Why does this shit always happen to me?

Because as you can see, the last question won't give you any positive solution in the end!

Guys, each one of us has got a hard way to go. But I believe, that it's all about standig up one more time, than you fall! That's the difference between the winners and the loosers!

Todays motto: The basis of character is will power! o.w.

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