Thursday, 19 July 2007

A day with success and birthday


I got again many prosperities to record. As you see a bit, the police-car you see on the pic just has been towed off! ;-) But actually, that isn't the reason... :-D

Yesterday was my first day as a marketingmanager of our house, to take on a meeting with a possible new partner. As I expected, they had a lot of good services and experiences, but unfortunately they forced me to talk too much about our own business, instead of what they could offer. It sounded in a way, as if they just would have invited me, to learn from me. One of their services really could be interesting for us. Just one! Because the other services, I don't trust them. I don't think, that they got a better close-rate than I! Not once rudimental! (As I told them, what our average is, they almost choke up! And this reaction showed me, that their average isn't that high... not even in nearby!) So I'll take the chance to show the one and only service to my boss and look, what he means to it!

This mornin' I gave Fabienne a friendship-ring. She's been longing for months... and now finally on her birthday, I gave her one. As you can see on the pic, it's an allround-one. She can use it daily and it's also fancy on it's own! ;-)

So once again, Happy Birthday, honey! All the best, success and God's bless!

This evening, I'll go to Fabienne for dinner at her family's place. But later on, I've to go back home... tomorrow is my last chance to make my wash before we go on vacation. So in other words, I'll have to go home again after dinner, that I can prepair the laundry for tomorrow. (Today I wore my last pair of shorts!) 8-) Do you see which dilemma...! (It's not that dramatic, but I feel so uncomfortable, if I haven't got any shorts more to wear...) :-D

This morning I made again a deal with one of the specialized manufacturer in conveyor-band technics! The more and more I feel myself enhanced in my position. I ensure myself in a way, that catapults me beyond anything I've thought some months ago. The more I improve myself in any-given-area in life, the more I grow. This kind of hope, the kind of force and improvement I gained in the past, I want to take you with! So many stories are already written on this blog. -My blog! I receive at least twice a week a new query of someone who wants me to share my knowledge with. It doesn't matter, if we got different goals of success. The tools I've used and still using, allowed me to get forward on things, where I've been settled back in past. Now is the right time! Anytime is now! Not tomorrow, not yesterday! And here one of my secrets: goals on life are nothing else, than dreams with a dead-line! ;-)

Today's motto: The reason why I'm so successful, is that I expect more from myself than any other could expect from me! Dr. J. (NBA - Player)

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