Monday, 12 November 2007

Look at the bright side of life!


How am I today? I think many of my readers wanna know... To tell you, I FEEL GOOD!! As I told last time, I'm just getting tired with the situation. -And I gave the responsibility to my luv! As she showed me this weekend, she seems to handle the responsibility quite good. She knew how to carry on and took advantage. And also not to misunderstand, the verbalism 'fucked up'! My family-members and friends in the US use it to express how we feel, as if just straight away the whole world seems to crack over one's head. I could also have expressed it: "I'm near to collapse!"

Now what for views have changed within the last weekend, where I feeled myself so overfatigue?

As I already wrote, there have been different things comming up at once. I felt like all things come up at once! And before weekend, I thought I couldn't stand it alone. I felt myself like a (very very very) small fart in the universe. But than I remembered again, for what I do stand in life.

I had no other choice, than to ask myself the right questions:
  • Which areas I've builed up with new affirmations... ?
  • What are those new standards, where I'm looking at?
  • What can I do right now, to bring me back into good shape?
  • What do I believe in?
And with the last question, I answered ...:
  • ...-I believe into the relationship with Fabienne.
  • ...-I believe, that things won't stay always this way!
  • ...-I believe, that there's always a way out of all.
  • ...-I believe in me and my possibilities to change everything into something good again!
  • ...-I believe, that I'm much more, than I'm demonstrating right now in my life!
And not to forget, I had people supporting me! My luv and my dad! Both person, helped me in finding the right questions. They knew, how to get through this, without to make any reproaches! That's quite important! So I could catch myself again and today, I'm again in clear and specific mood to succeed! Such situations have got the power to throw you out off course, but as you see, it's more important to get back again.

Now my business-area looks good. Not directly where I'm hired... ;-) - But what new project has been carried to me in the last days.

Because it's a very delicate branch of business, I can't talk about yet. I got to know someone new. This person is a tycoon. And it wants me to make clear a new deal, where I have to develop a foreign market. Well anyhow... more - later! :-D

Today's motto: The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. Robert Frost

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