Thursday, 29 November 2007

Wowy week

Hello guys,

Sorry I didn't come up for such a long time. I was extremely engaged in the last days. Where shall I start?

My first own closed deal is done! ;-))) So what does it mean? That means, that I acquire the customer, than I had to deal the meeting with him, I shaped the contract with him and at last I made the final box (signature on the contract). The amount has been this time by 100’000 bucks. Now I still have got another 200 Millions in the pipeline and hope that more of them will follow.

Something less positive was a battle royal with a chat-room user in the chat where I’m a member. A young pussy, that since more than half a year tried to abuse my profile to hit Fabienne. Not because of any given reason, just as a valve for her own pleasure. Since more than six months I told her again and again, that she shall, sorry this expression, piss off! But unfortunately, she didn’t. She even hit stronger expression and still went ruder than all times before! Finally I’m fed up with it. I started to make some research and someone told me, that her father died this year. On her chat-room-profile she even had a picture of him there. And now guess what I did? I actually didn’t make it that gruffly. First I told her to let off for the last time. I asked her really very polite, but still no reaction, even more force came back, like I shouldn’t lurk her! And at this point I didn’t swallow any more. I gave action. I copied the pic of her father and uploaded it into my profile, with the comment: “Do you really want to wage a war with me? –Better don’t, you’ll loose!” Oh you should have seen this reaction of other users, all of a sudden, fifty comments came in, like: “You damn bastard, if I’ll see you on the street, I’ll kill you!” And more… My reaction on these comments was just: “Dear me…” And it seemed like this kind of answer has still provoke them more. But, the girly didn’t start to give back. She was quit and didn’t say one word more. As I told, I finally think, she got the point! Did I like to do this? –No way!!! I knew exactly, that many people will find this disgusting. It cloyed me even self. But what should I have done at this point? She forced me to take an exceptional reaction. And I studied a long time at this, if I really shall do it. And so I did it finally, because I didn’t see another possibility. And now the punch line comes. Today is the day after this whole shit and as I opened my mailbox of this chat-room, I had plenty of users congratulating me! People who say, that I made a good job. Or comments like: “Good guy, finally someone had the guts to smack that bitch!” Wow, you can’t imagine, how that felt for me, at the day before, I cloyed myself and on the next day people laud me! Crazy world!!! ;-)))

My days really did become longer. In the last days, my average working time is between 12 to 16 hours a day! Isn’t that foolish? But as it seems, it will give me also a payout at last. On the other side, I don’t believe I tell you this, I find it a kind of amused. Yes, I’m a fuck’ workaholic and I try to get fun on it…

Today’s motto: What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Dwight D. Eisenhower

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