Monday, 3 December 2007

Why some people are reasonless stupid!


I know the following story will be a little business related. I got to tell you about. I’ve got a customer, which wants to have a project financed through our house. Now this guy has been passed through by a broker. And as he wanted, we had to handle his project with absolute discretion. And here the real blame comes. As this prick wanted, we sent him a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement). He signed it and started to talk to the broker about the deal with us. He discussed high sensitive material after he signed the NDA – which actually would have a legal return on his doing! Than I called him and asked, if he still knew that he signed the NDA. The poor guy told me ‘yes’. And than I asked, if he ever has read it! ‘No’ the answer came back. Than I explained him, that from the date on he signed this paper, his mouth should be sealed. If not, it would have legally consequences with real high fine claims! –Anyhow… I guess he got the point and will put a sock in it!

I think positive as much as I can and as possible. In the last days, I didn’t keep up this belief. I noticed that already simply small cases faze me. I urgently need to come back again on my past habits mid this year. At the summertime, I received much more mails from readers. Many people searched my advices and wanted to adopt my life-philosophy.

And here the match comes right back! I know that all comes down to a single decision. This time I decide to return right back to the shape I had in summer. I need to trigger me again the same way, as I did at this time. Most important question is, on what I want to focus. Do you still know my posts regarding the concept of CANI (Constance and Never-ending improvement)? How many times did I already say to myself: “I’m much more, than I’m demonstrating right now”? But still haven’t got enough leverage. Still haven’t got enough internal pressure to get throughout any mess? What went false or shouldn’t I start to think what solution in life do I look after? I need to find a new successful concept.

One of my friends shortly came to me and asked me: “What’s up chap!? You got everything you wanted! You got a real pimp penthouse, a job where you earn more than 90% of the human (over US$ 100’000 a year), a hot car, friends, family, good health,… -Harry, what to fuck do you want?” I looked at him and yelled that I still got debts. And he answered with: “You jerk at least can afford those debts!” I was shocked to realize, that I’m no longer earthed. I was lost somewhere in space, but I wasn’t standing on earth with both legs.

I got to return back on the Christian rulez. I need to see again the things as they really are. I think positive and will turn right back to stay in shape and mood. Shoot! Sometimes life struggles down even if you’re on the winner’s side. ;-)

Today’s motto: Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Henry Ford


lil miSsfit said...

Hey Cuz---
Let's travel together soon :)

sea said...

Hey chap

Anything happend lateley?
