Friday, 20 April 2007

Good morning weekend!

Hi Volks

Somehow I feel ready for weekend! ;-) How about you? -Yes!? :-)))

Yesterday, oddly things happened to me. First, just before I wanted to drop out of office, a colleague from neighbors company came into my bureau 4 a little 'smalltalk'. We discussed about the Toastmasters(.com), as he's a member there. It's a kind of club, that's ambition is to rise your skills in rhetoric and speech. He asked in a indirect way, if it wouldn't be something for me. -Well, yeah! :o) But before I gonna visite this club, I need to concentrate on my job, my environment and my life...

Before I reached home, I picked up Simon. We are in a sort of self-help group. That means he and I are talking about things we undergo through our day and what we are going to change. Let me give an example:

- Someone run across my way and asked me, if I would be interessted to accompany a club for eloquent people. Well I may be interessted once upon a day, but not in the moment. So I ask Simon, what's his opinion on this matter. Maybe his opinion changes my own point of view and could probel me to get focused on this quickly. Our conversations are comparably like a coaching... (I recommend you to try this once by yourself)

As we finished, he was quite knocked down. So he left puzzled my flat on his way home. 8-) On front of his door he tried probably to rarefy his key -he forgot by my home. :-))))))))
(Distance in minutes with public transport: 15 Min. - But not around midnight!)

Well, lucky guy at last he could call me to ask if he could overnight by me. (His cell didn't have any power more, but an other guy lend him) Simon, Simon, ... ;-)

Sometimes you (He) remember me like this one: (Mission impossible 4)

I'll come later on this day to tell you about my plans this weekend!

Today's motto: Be cool, stay hot ;-)

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