Monday, 30 April 2007

Long weekend past by :-)

Oh wowyyyy...

Last Friday my grandpa has been brought 6 feet under. At his funeral (ceremony), resp. at his burtal (the action to bring him down to earth), all relatives had their chance to take the last farewell with him.

As I stood on front of his grave, the only thing I really could give in action was: To take the bible and read once again the psalm 23 to him. In chain to the letter I wrote him in his lifetime... This was bitter! And on the funeral I supposed to read the letter I wrote him -as I also did! Many people came to me and where grateful regarding my speach... strange! Seems like the words I used for this letter had force on many person in there.

In the evening I met my friends for a poker. And as this day wasn't that eventful enough I won the final pot at 2.30h a.m.

Saturday was very easy - mooded. We went 4 our weekly shopping (food, drinks, etc. 4 a whole week). After shopping we went on the roof of my house for a sunbath... Just hang & loose! Same evening just watched a movie with fabienne and finito!

Sunday we didn't go to church (estimable that Simon went). ;-)
Later on we played games on my PS2 at home. All afternoon long :-)))

In the meantime Fabienne had a hassle with her parents, regarding my religion - my church. To be clear: I'm at this church in case of my faith. Not in reason of the church's perspective! Her parents think, that ICF (international christian fellowship) would be a sect! But in my eyes there are atypical signs, that ICF can't be a sect. Let us abstract this:

A sect:
  1. Got one world view that explains everything.
  2. You'll get for all your questions an answer.
  3. Critic from outside will be turned into a proof that the archon has got the one and only genuine truth!
  4. All members seem to be always in excellent mood.
  5. Tight organisation.
  6. The apocalypse is coming soon!
  7. Give up your old life (Friends, Family, etc...)
  8. Make tests, seminars, etc. to get in a higher position.
  9. No time for yourself!
  10. At anytime an other member around you.

  1. Got manifold views, where you have to find the individual approach to God.
  2. You have to find your own answers, but you may find help finding the right questions.
  3. The pastor has got a large know how, but doesn't know all. (The Lord moves in mysterious ways)
  4. "well", similar here. ;-) // But it isn't always this way.
  5. Hmm... they got a good organisation, but not tight at all.
  6. Will come once. Just not in a mega 'bang'.
  7. No... 8-)
  8. The only test you'll have to make is to have guts, give your life to Jesu! (in a personal, agile and realistic way)
  9. As much time you want.
  10. If you want, you can join a faction up to 4-8x a week! On a voluntary base!

yeah... that are at least 10 points.

Her father will probably call me over lunch time. Seems her parents are really upset, but I hope, I can take them the fear on this case. It isn't dramatic at all... It's just important to human, to have an ideology, a bigger force around them. Something that's higher quoted than their own mind. A place where they can find ethical maxim for their lifes. That's normal! Not crazy! AMEN!

I'm anxious on this call...

PS: I have reached the other guy, his mummy talked with me about his thoughts in suizid. He doesn't want to kill himself. Just needed some constructive words. ;-)

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