Thursday, 31 May 2007

Feeling slack

Bon Jorno

I think, I have been to long awake yesterday evening. I had to work up to 9pm. Than I watched TV with Fabienne. Around 11.30h pm. Florian wrote me a message to remind me to drive him next day to the airport. So I went earlier to bed then usual, about 0.30 am! But this morning I had first to come into the office, to send a mail to my boss (some analyzis-sheets had to reach him before 9am.).

Florian has to go to a Kung Fu meeting in Bulgary. He's club is pushing him all the time to join those occasions. But what he can't see, is that his trainer hasn't to look after some other body's life. I mean, his life is also very exciting. Travelling all over the world but has to pay it by himself and doesn't get anything against.

I want to get this more clear: Per year he spends about CHF 10'000.- (By an estimated income from about 60'000.-) for these Kung Fu occasions all over the world. He's young and may still want to see as much from the world as possible. But on the other side, he wants to build up something in economic way for his future life. Further he spends tomuch Benjamins for his tuned car. But wants to but some savings for his own flat, one day... As you know, there are always again and again other costs coming on one (taxes, insurances, gifts, etc...). And he especially hasn't got the control where the Benjamins go lost. Well, he will never get anywhere.
And today morning, on the way to the airport, we were talking about this. And you know, what is more worse on this? -I couldn't give him any hint. Because I can't handle it any better. :-(

Right now I feel myself to sluggishly to do anything... So bored and lazy. But what did I expect with less then six hours sleep?! ;-)

I'm not in the mood to do any deals today. But on the other hand, I have to! Well, I should... ;-))
And this afternoon I have to attend a lecture. Later this evening I should visite a presentation of an economic doctor, regarding spectographic messurement of waves in textforms. (yeah, I know exactly what's in your head: "Sounds like trying to answer a rule of proportion stoned!" -right? :-) )

Well, I got a full program today...

...Today's motto: Go on and on, like the time you're in. If you do, you can master both of them! ;)

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Starting on a building lot


As I entered my office today, I almost fell into a shock. All over IT - Freaks on work! One moved all furniture around. An other just disabled my phone! Again an other asked me for my notebook, so he can back-up it with new programs. -Crazy! :-)

I couldn't work for about 2 to 3 hours! I just sitted there in my office amazed from their doings. 8-)

But I had time to make some research. And I also thought about the situation yesterday with Simon. You know, he's a good guy. Unfortunately he isn't a master in setting priorities, yet. I can empathize good in his person. I'm trying to go once in to his perspective, okay:

"I have to do different thinks coevally. Search for a new job. Do my present job in complete satisfaction to my employer. Look after my school - belongs (apply, select, pre-inform, etc...). Handle my divestiture. Go to physiotherapy. My household. My environment. And now I still have to handle the bookings for the vacation. It's quite a lot that comes at once, nor?"
(-> Important; the fallowing is my own perspective again!)

Okay, with all those issues, I have to do them on the correct order. I need a plan. Somewhere where I can see, what I have to do 'step-by-step'. Because I'm in danger of overdoing things. In one week I can hold all those issues in a perfect way. Like in this week I can knock the sox of, with full vitality and 100% mental force in absolute clearence. But I can't hold this standart
forever! Why? Well, I got limits. Limits that holds my back again. And why do I have this? It starts with my standarts, with my beliefs. Something in me does not confirm, that I can hold this niveau longer, or constantly. Probably it's a dismatch with one of my old standarts. Something I already got used to it. Something in me took already as habit. And there we go on now! I fuck' have to change those habits, because they don't bring me any farther! That's heavy! How can I change them and in what shall I change them?

I have to change my old standarts. In fact, in my particular situation, I have to rise them. I have to be clear with my goals and I have to commit now and forever no longer to be the same in this situation or with this habit. It's one decision! And it's just this single decision. If I really want to change this habit, I have to decide it. And this decision really has to be honest. Not trying, just doing it. On every single day! Again and again, like a training! As soon I fall back into my old habit, I break through-out with breaking patterns. And here finally I give an example:

"I'm used to come into my office and start up my computer and in the meantime I look in my 'inbox' if any important issue came in. And as my computer is on and all programs are started up, I go usually to check my mails. And in the past, after checking my mails, I locked in to a chat. See if one of my friends are online. Also probabely, they are! And I used to chat with them till noon. I completely forgot my work!
-This habit can be utterly devastating. This can be a reason for dismissal. And it also doesn't bring any assets to me, nor to the company.
So what can I do? Break the pattern! I changed the order of these habits. I just do it the same way as before, but don't go into the chat. I left it away. I go into the chat maybe in the lunchtime. But no longer it's in the same sequence of starting-up in the morning. What did it help? I'm productive in the morning! I close deals with new customers and enjoy the new responsibilities I received. I'm growing. Now I used 27 years to get this point in action. But to tell you, better now, than never! ;-)

This is all about my view. If you really commit to start with a new era of life. Than you better do it sooner than never...!

Today's motto: I can change my life with one decision in every situation or moment of life. So, why not?!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Good at last.

Hellllooooooo :-))

Pentecost past and I could pick out again some good impressions. The fist two days we stayed at my place. I invited some of my friends to watch movies and so on... ;-)

On Sunday, later afternoon we went to Fabienne's place and enjoyed dinner with her parents. Then yesterday I went with my pumpkin to a fancy resaurant. It seem's like it was a nice occasion for her... After this fancy lunch I showed her for the first time, one of my favorite-sports: snooker. I think she has got potential to drive up her skills in this sport. She can recall and think the right way. (How you have to make the next shot, that the other one is on a snook)

I returned about 7 o'clock p.m. at my home again. I had to prepare the presentation for this afternoon's appointment. And as I was on it, Florian asked me, if I would be interested to see Pirates of the Carribean part III (3). Jonny is like born to figure captain jack sparrow. Especially the part, where he's going on the schizophrenic conversation with himself - times 3! :-D

On the bad-side, there we have also a case with our holidays in summer. Simon and I had both a part to fulfil. I had to check out the booking in case we would have gone to Mallorca. He had to check out the booking, in case we would decide to go to Rhodos (Greece). We decided to go to Rhodos. So the issue is on Simon to do the booking.

The decision we made last Sunday. On Wednesday he started to look after. (Nearly late to run on this issue, but nevermind...) As it comes, his internet didn't figure out. He commited us (the other four persons), that his internet didn't figure out and so he couldn't do this bookings. Well as he told it to me, I told him, that I haven't got time to do it and he shall look with Florian. Unfortunately, Florian gave him a similar answer. And now he tried aswell to go to the neighbor's PC and do it from there. But it didn't figure out (for which reason ever) again. Now latest I would have told to one of the other team member, what a bullshit it is and they shall do this booking now, rather it will be to late. But no... he reacted different. Goal dismatched! We're to late for to book now and he yells, he made all he could.

And here I'm not on the same idea. If he would have done really everthing. Than we wouldn't have this discussion now. That's my point! He could have find out the number of this tenderer and called them. He didn't! He could have yelled in a way, where any other team member would have moved their asses. But no... He could have gone to the e-tailer. Also negative... What left? Five persons, who would have wanted to go to vacation and are disappointed right now, because their vacation seem to disappear. It's nearly unpossible to find an offer one month in advance where all five may find something they can afford and the also like to go. Last-minute offers are mostly for one-or-two persons, rarely five!

I hope, that at least he has got enough guts to stand to the shit happened. If he really wants to turn our frustration, he's to find an other offer.

Oh I forgot to mention. The trial with his neighbor was quite a pain in the ass for me. It may be, that the neighbor's internet lag on after he tried it. But today I received an confirmation from the tenderer! Now I should pay € 1002.- for vacation I can't take in any way! Why, you wanna know? Because this prick booked, or better said, fill in the wrong dates. As I called him before, I heared again 1000 of lame excuses. But no solution! I called them (the tenderer) and asked them regarding this bookin... They told me, that I have to pay them anyway, because there was no annulation-insurances made. I told them, it was probably a joke. Because I couldn't fill in the form online over pentecost. I have been away. On a place, where no-one has got internet. And finally I found an other mistake from Simon, that helped me to come out of this shit. He also fill in the wrong address... I leave in the ZIP 8050... he fill in 8850... Lucky me... But to be honest, I can't explain, why so many mistakes for such a simple form could be made. Can't figure it out! Not reliable - not really! :-(

After all those shit I hade to handle the troubleshooting. But I'm disappointed, nevermind if I could bring it the right way back.

And what does this story tell me? What did I learn about? I think, there's no better explanation then my today's motto!

Today's motto: The only way how you can fail is when you quit!

Friday, 25 May 2007

frustrating cash-situation


Oh how shitty this is... you know this situation?
- You go into the bank and want to withdraw some cash after the salary income. Well, so far no ado! Now you look at the balance and realize, that the month before you had to go into minus, so the cash that's effective on your account already is less. But the bills you've to pay didn't minimize and you pay them and are again without cash... -Isn't this a never-ending situation? Isn't this a typical surviving, than living? To be honest, I'm quite fed up with this. I gonna learn some strategies, how to come out of this case.

- I tell you. I was so dressing down because of this. In the afternoon I had to go to Munich for a symposium. And when I was there, I just backtrack and was like undercover in this lecture. Just thinking all the time, why can't I handle my own money-situation into a better stand? What have I to change and what are my goals? And just in one point I'm really clear! It can't stay the way it is. (In fact, there's also something else on this, what concern's me: I earn more than 80% than all other citizen in Switzerland and still got problems. -And that's unportable!)

So, what am I going to do this weekend? This evening my lovey will cook dinner and mybe later Florian will come again once with a movie! Tomorrow I think we'll go clubbin' in the evening. Saturday church, and Monday (pentecost)... -It still don't know...!

Always and always again, it's so heavy to be an ideal for others, giving good advices to them and be a firm as a rock. When on the otherside I got myself into such small problems... crazy! But there's no other way, than forward going! I reached to far, to go back again! And there I go... again and again... (but at least with a smile).

Today's motto: Life is a bitch, then you marry 'em, then you die! Okay, so why don't you take it with a smile?

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

To hard

Hi volks

Yesterday evening I had an experience, I actually not wanted. Roger's (my brother) girlfriend and I had a extreme battle royal. A hard core blow-up! I met my brother after work for a smoke and some philosophic speach. He and I decided to go to the music-studio's of my brother's "clan" and before this, he wanted to bring the dog back of our father. Because the studios are directly 2 minutes to walk, away from my bro's flat, I waited on front of his house.

And now it comes:

At this time, I had an other friend waiting with me for Roger. As we waited, all of a sudden, his girlfriend stands over the way! Started to yell at us two, as we would be the hardest bum of Switzerland. She blustered, we would be all together drug addicted and would be more out, by going out as any dog she ever has seen and etc...

Well, no-one does talk with me in this way in the presence of my own friends. At this second she outcast my inner beliefs of any manners I ever learned. And guess what happened. If I come in such a situation, I mostly outact the other person. My job is to outact sometimes CFO's and CEO's from the EU - market. And so did I with her. I just slam her at the wall (mental)! And than I realized, that her nervs lied blank. She was on the brink of a mental breakdown.

So I went into the flat and talked to her. Probably in a way, noone ever has talked with her. I told her what the reason of my reaction was. I excused for my reaction, but told her exactly, what busted me out. And beg her never ever to talk with me again in such a way, because I know how I react in such case. Than I asked her, what the reason for her bust was and she told me, that my brother isn't working in the moment. At about noon, he lives the flat and goes out till next morning. Most of time he returns in a special mood, what ever brings him in there... But to make it short. She says, it doesn't matter, if he's all day out. But in the evening, it would be her wish to spend some time with him. -I understand her situation 100%. -As I also told her! But in the same row, I told her, not to let it out on me. Never again! At least not in this way and in public.

Well, I told her, I will talk under four eyes with my bro'. It can't be, that he mutates in this way. And once again, it's on me to give my effort on it. I'll be on this as soon I can find time to talk with him. F**k, such things aren't good! -But necessary!

And what did I learn? I learned, not to outact someone without knowing what really sting him. I improved the way, how to pick up a person, who is in very bad mood, mentally! And did I help her? Maybe - maybe not yet. But latest when I talk with him...

Today's motto: Don't make a mountain out of a molehill! It's never worthwhile!!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Take on responsibility

Speedy hello!

I've soon to go to a customer's meeting, so I haven't got alots of time today to write my blog.
Today a 15 year old girl asked me about how to focuse the right way. -For life-belongs! She's just on to find an apprenticeship and how she can harmonize this with her religion.

I told her not to compare these two things in a parallel way. It won't figure out with a big probality. In fact she also isn't that clear, which religion she wants to stay in. Well in this age it's quite early to ask yourself such questions, but if you're in this life-cycle-phase, where you ask yourself such things, I think you have to do this in a realistic direction.

If you want to find something, that's more than yourself where you may deal with, so find this in a smart way. If the religion does tell you, it would be the best for you to decimate your environment, you should better take distance to it. A religion has also to match with your actual life situation. You can't undock from your family, friends and environment, just because you want to rise up your skills in the religion. It has to be enclosed to your life. It has to function hand in hand with the as-is state!

Now, how to find a job, that harmonize with your religion... I have to recall this in an other example. God has got a plan for each one of us. And you might be posed exactly there, where it's the biggest use for him and the most effore taking situation for you. Maybe it's unfair, maybe you don't wan't the situation you're in. But it doesn't matter where you are, as long you still can find a sence in it, it will help you!

I'm sorry, but I've to leave...

Today's motto: Lest we forget to live our life!

Monday, 21 May 2007

Lucky Monday!

Hi U! I just return on work after a formidable weekend. My start this morning also assisted me in a good way. It's getting amazing to me - every time I include in my mornings process sort of brainwashing, in form of listening to motivation-audio-files, I'm getting more and more successful in my job.

The weekend I can recapitulate all in all as bustling. I made my wash, had different interesting conversations with friends, family-members, etc. - had to fulfil a project for our summertrip (holiday), was baking, as usual shopping (with a small budget). All-in-all, I was busy as a bee!

Also this morning my almost 25 day's record on my one-call(phone)-one-deal-a-day was broken. This morning in my acquisitions ability my first call was negative! The other guy really didn't have any pain. So my second call was a deal... ;-) I'm happy, I could show my potential 25 days after each other.
I don't think, that there's one out here in Switzerland, who could break this in one go! To know this does make me feel better about what I am and what I can do.

This kind of feeling is reason alone to go on and on again. I stopped trying to communicate with myself in a way, that doesn't bring me farther. In a way, -if you compare the launching of this blog and the way I'm going on right now, you can see, that I really changed my usual point of view.

I'm no longer standing for standarts that takes me out of my way.
I see things in a context to positive benefits on my life. It doesn't work all time long. But it works most of the time. And as more I prove this, the more I get successful. Compare it to my job! It works! It's no fake!

Two weeks ago, I decided to stop smoking. I stopped from 100 to 0 in just one decision! And I don't smoke anymore! The decision itself just took me about 1 minute! But I commited not to smoke again. So this decision had this force.

- It's not possible to make changes everytime that fast?

- Bullshit! It is!
- Example: If you decide, to change from a 'in average student' to be an elite student, you can do it immediate. Maybe you can't see a success in the next two minutes, but in a long-term! But the decision you made, has been immediate and now you commited not to decrease as long you haven't got on, where you wanted.
Is this difficult? That depends on how strong your decision was.

-Think about! You can find examples all over in your life!

Today's motto: Your right is, to get from your life, what you deserve! You just have to be ready to pay the price! Are you? ;-)

Friday, 18 May 2007

One day after Ascension-Day and one day before weekend!

yeepeeyaayeeeeh ;-)

Isn't this funny, one day after the public holiday and one day before weekend most of the persons here in Switzerland make a bridge. How come I fool work? %-)

I thought, that the Business-Captains would be around today, so they could do their small 'to do's'. But unfortunately, they bridge these days! Well, what does it mean to my job? I think from this afternoon on, I'll take afternoon of and enjoy the weekend!

I had so luck this morning! I reached from more than 50 addresses one single CEO!!! He's the only guy around today, it looks like... and this guy was on the ball! I made jokes about other lazy CEO's, who not work today. And he made jokes about us two stupid, who do work today... -Well, both side had fun. ;-)
As you can see, I also made today my usual one-call-one-deal-a-day rhythm! And now I just want to scram and have weekend! I deserved it, or? :-))
It's a pity that I haven't got a benchmarket where I may check my success on one call - one deal! I want to know, if I already have made a worldrecord on this. Every single day I could acquisitate one new company for our company! EVERY SINGLE DAY since 24 working days. Exceptional are those days, where I'm not in the office or I couldn't reach one! But as soon I reached one, I got a deal! Is this terrific or no?
If there is just one of you guys, who knows if there would be a benchmarket, please tell me!!!

What am I gonna do this weekend? I think the same I do every weekend! The world supremacy!! :-))) (you know this cartoon, or?)
To be honest, -I don't know! I'll just take it as it comes and do the best in any case I can! It's like I already feel addicted to improve my skills in any area of my life.

Today's motto: If you have to let a rip, don't make a shit! *help-muhahahahahaaaaa*

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Ascension Day!


Today's a public holiday in Switzerland. I don't think, that in other countries the human do know this 'ascension day', or? It actually demonstrates the drive-up (to heaven) of Jesus.

Yesterday I haven't got time to write in my stories. I have been all day long out in the market. In the morning, to search for solutions on customers 'problems'. But do you know this? Someone tell's you his pain, all the time just 'how', but doesn't find just one pipe 'what' pains! This kind sucks!

Well, today I've been to Morschach 'Swiss Holidaypark'. This was our (Fabienne's and mine) alternative plan to hiking, if it's bad weather. So we went there and as usual, you aren't the only one with this idea. We had to wait for more than 45 min. before entering the club. We just made the fallowing: swimming, sauna, solarium ;-), steam bath, etc... -I think all things that you can do with water. ;)

It really has been very relaxing. Probably you can figure it out from the way I write right now. Very relaxed!

But I can't help doing it, to tell you still something positive and useful. Yesterday evening I thought about some questions I've heared from other mentors, motivation-trainers, etc... And all questions in honor! I think there are just three questions at the end of each day, that brings you forward. And I think those one are:

1) Have I learned something today?
2) Have I improved something today?
3) Could I help someone else in any matter?

If you can answer all questions with yes, you have done an improvement that's measurable! (How? -With this questions! ;-) )
I'll try it out for a time and will come back to you guys...!

Tomorrow on Friday I've to work! Because of one day between (public holiday and weekend), I've to go for work... >:-o

Today's motto: It doesn't matter, what kind of problem you've approached, important is to find the right questions! (-that brings you farther)

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Multiply your skills!


Yesterday I have fucked up again a case with Fabienne. She asked me, if it would be possible to me, to come on next Wednesday to her place. The reason for, would be a small trip on Thursday (Ascension Day). But now it comes!
The same evening, Wednesday, is also the Final of the Championsleague (Soccer)! Superbowl, just for soccer! ;-)

And as usual, my whole clan will meet together this day and see the game in pride! And guess what I have done! I've droped the date with Fabienne. -It's like I had to. I didn't want it at all.

But since I can remember, I never ever have had met one of my steady on this day.
Before it used to be watching this game with the masculine family-members and now, it's my friends. I hope she won't take this for granted, it's one day - one evening! :-)))

And what's up today? I have been stocked with different shit and couldn't start with production yet. It's lunch-time and afterwards I'll have to get my ass up. At least I'm looking forward to hold on my usual standard.

This evening I've invited myself to my fathers place. Last year was hard to this man. Getting pensioned, survived two heart-attacks (2005), divestiture, -not easy at all. And last Sunday after fetching him up. I have got the feeling in me, that he wants to talk again as the way we were talking in past. It seems like he would miss someone to talk. And today, I tought, "go visite him!"

Today's motto:
Tell your plans to others! It will make your plans a commitment!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Back from weekend!

Hi you!

My weekend has been very relaxing. On Friday I was with Simon. We where watching again an other movie, this time at his place. On the other side, Fabienne already waited at my home. ;-) Because I thought, on this Friday it would be cool for her, if I would be first away and later on just alone with her enjoying the evening.

Now the most exciting! In the morning we went shopping and later my friend from the insurances came to me and helped finding the right insurances.

Saturday also my wardrobe came! As you can see, it's huge! XXL! Just US - Style

As I bought it, the sales agent told me, it would be quite simple to assemble it by myself. -The manual showed a tiny woman assembling it by herself!

FACT is, we where three persons (Fabienne, Simon and me) and used about four f*** hours! We aren't stupit, nor are we disabled. But this closet was quite heavy to screw! So, my comment to their manual: Blablablablablaaaaa! -Bullshit! :-D

Sunday was again calm. Fabienne and I did a little wellness and later we went to fetch up my dad from his trip in Hungary. And on our way back, I left a box of chocolate in my mom's mailbox. She was in Germany visiting her grandchild Elias and in between I left her this box there, because it was mother's day!

I came in the office and my usual one-phone-one-deal has been set in again. This afternoon I will have to co-operate a new manual with a customer. And than I got again free resources to help my environment.

Today's motto: Think big and think positive!

Friday, 11 May 2007

Let's talk about driving out breakdown! :-)

Ouuuuuu yeahh!

Yesterday I had two guests, Simon and Dani(-el)! And we where playing on PS2 FIFA2005 all time long! But I haven't ever seen or played against one, who's that strong than Dani. He's unbelievable. He got such a big repertoire on tricks and such a strong attack-force, it's like fighting against Goliath! ;-) (Ok, maybe I distend the last sentence).

As they left I still read a book from Felix von Cube, about natural law. It's amazing how this roulez do sway us human. There's a reason for almost all around us. Why we do handle against or with the driving-force. We just have to. Man especially are subordinated on natural law - by, for example SEX! Things I learned, that they seem to be 'normal', but in fact they are more than! Deep in us, our pinion has been build through the evolution of ecology and environment. Facts that are self-speaking!

Today, I could hold on again or better said, pick-up again my 'one-phone-one-deal-a-day' - level! ;-)
This is something that makes me feel just more powerful each day. And best of all, you may train this. Bring yourself in a resourceful condition!

How can you come into a resourceful condition? -Think of a situation in the past, that has been like the best wonderful day you ever had. Now imagine till to peak how it was like, smelt like, the temperature it was and which colours where around you. Than you do just a small smilling, like you would have a 'royal flush' in poker and your combatant would make an 'all-in'. ;-)

That's it! More you don't need, because your brain already has matched itself into the mood you have had this day. And from this new point, you may do changes beyond your imagination! The success of it won't be straight. The success is hidden behind the trials you've done after every time you failled! And that's what I'm talking about. That's the way I gain in business.

Today I won't make any prognoses on the weekend. I just don't know, what I gonna do this time. Probabely I'll get some guests or I'll go for visite. But I wouldn't be that un-happy, if I would have just a rainy weekend at home. Can do my household and learning.

Today's motto: Try to rise your standards in any area of life!
(if you can hold this one day long, you reached more than 80% of the world -on this day have)

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Get used to it!

Ciao tutti

Some mystical situation has appeared in my office. Today's like someone would like to tell me: "Why have you came to work?"

And what's this all about? Since 9.00a.m. I haven't reached any client on the phone! Check through over 20 addresses - but not one!!! Either they're on a fair, or they're on a businesstravel in other countries, or just occupied with other thing it's not possible to them to talk with me. That's a kind of frustration I don't like! Because I can't change this situation by myself! (can't force a CEO to gather his general assembly for me, or) :-)))

I'm motivated and want do some business (additionally to my rather job). But no one out there to make business! F***! :-) Well, I can do some preparations and acquire new addresses - so I may have again more potential for next week.

If this hold's on today two things happened.

1) My "one-phone-one-deal-per-day" will be cut of per today, because I didn't reach one. Well in any way, it a record of mine. 20 days in one row!

2) If point 1) will happen, I'll go home and maybe bether do thinks, where I can improve my skills in an other way. -Do you know what I meen? Just do some sport or learning.

I think, someone else wouldn't be that easy-minded, if they would have to approach the same situation. But I think, I can improve my lifestyle in a better way...

Well asta la victoria siempre!!! -Getting hungry! See you later!

Today's motto: Don't get your knickers in a twist! It won't be cleared on it's own - so give action!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

being resourceful

Hey Volks! ;-)

Yesterday evening Fabienne came to visite me. She and I also do talk about manners we need to change and improve. That's what makes our relationship that special. It's like a team-member, th
at helps me being successful in the areas of my life, that I want to. Aswell this offer also is given back on my side to her. :-)

One thing we over and over handle out, is the communication! It's fuck' important! You will never get what you want, if you aren't clear with your communication. I don't meen just the out-coming words, that crosses others. I do talk about the inner communication to one self.

This morning has been a perfect model to explain. We stood up. My first thought was: "uaaaah, early mornin', gotta show once again what I got in me. -Let's brainwash me first! :-D" (Than I put in an audio-CD to motivations) Fabienne's first word (okay maybe it was one of the first): "Oh today's gonna be blodding!"

And now guess what!? As I entered the office I used my usual start-up, took of the phone and on my first call, just had one hit - one deal! (Just as well I got this same ritual since exactly twenty days holding on now)

I'll be lookin' forward, to what my lovey's feedback will be of today? ;-)
(Later-on she wrote me a message: it's not blodding, it's challenging)

It's getting clearer and clearer on every day. The more I change my focus into positive things, the more I focus myself on a positive communication, the more I'm getting successful. -Doesn't matter in which area of life. All-over!

Today's motto: "Get positive! - Or die trying it!" *hahahahaaa*

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Rainy day - Halleluja!


Come along with a deep breath yesterday, in consideration asking myself again how to improve my skills. So, I came home yesterday evening.

Do you know this fallowing: You KNOW, that many areas in your life have improved in an excellent way. But something deep in you can't stop asking you those questions above. So with me. The more I give action in any areas like job, pumpkin, sport, etc. -The more I ask myself why and how.

I'm motivated to work, to give the best, in my partnership, to drive-up my skills in sport. Asking myself these questions, does give me clearance. I want to know, if I still am focused on my goals or dispatch them.

The change I have done some months or years ago, have to improve recently and forevermore. Constantly! And that reminds me again to one of my most favored ideal - Anthony Robbins! He and his module CANI (Constant and never-ending improvement). How come, there's a trainer, a coach like him around, and still more, than 99,9% don't know him?

You should go to one of his seminars. Or read one of his book (as soon you've read one of them, you're addicted to read all of them anyway). ;-)
His modules do have helped me.

And something I haven't told to anyone yet: Every time, I have been in critical situations of life. (For example: Jobless and still studying and the question how to afford this all) I do take first the bible into my hands. I'm reading those pieces of wisdom to find consolation. And in this particularly situation, that has been about four to five times till today, after reading the bible something leaded me to take Tony's book. It's like something else tells me: If you wanna move something into good, you have to improve your own position!

It's not that extreme, than it sounds to. I see it more like a fluke. But in a way it's really strange... because I have realized this just the last time, I have been in such a situation. I guess an inner voice in me knows what I have to do in such situations. First doing something that's like balm on my spirit, than do something, that will catapult me into recourceful condition!

I think, that every human on this earth has got something, how to stand up again and again. That's my way. What's yours? Or you just get into this flow out there like anyone else???

Today's motto: It's not alone the decision - it's the action you make!

Monday, 7 May 2007

Terrific Weekend?!


This weekend past, I really enjoyed. So many exciting things happened and after all good impressions stayed. ;-)

After work I have visited Fabienne's place. Our dinner was chinese food and was very delicious. And if this good meal wasn't already good enough, it has been accompanied with a very good conversation with her father. We have been talking about religion (what in normal case is very delicated), psychology and sciences. I think, that I could give a good impression to her father, aswell he has gave me a good impression. Later on we have droven back to my place again.

It started with my laundry. I actually wanted to start about 10.00 a.m., but my neighbor jamed my time of wash! -Well thank you! At last I could do my wash with more than 2 hours delay. And I anyway have been sleeping till 11.00 a.m. :-)
So we did our customary shopping and finished household around 4.00 p.m. and didn't have time yet to prepair ourselfs for the dinner this evening with my mummy. She has invited us again for asian food and I enjoyed this dinner aswell. All time through the visite, Fabienne and my mom have been freaked out on the karaoke-rig! Fabienne seem's to be very ambitious on this sport and also get's good ratings. -Most of time/tries have been over 90 (max. by 100).

We went to church but wheren't that satisfied from the homily this time. It was like an over-expanded version of "church-marketing" all time long! Imagine you want to visite church for the word of God, but only get advertisment. Well done, after church Fabienne and I went for a short brunch at the mainstation of Zurich. She had to leave again to Zug and later to Bern. In the afternoon I got visitors at my place. The sisters of my ex-g'friend came, to have a sightseeing of my penthouse and seemed like they have been 'wowy'-surprised. As well Simon and later-on Florian came for an other movie. Taxi4 is a Luc Besson film, but no more on the high action and entertainment -level as the other 3 parts.

Well, it's Monday and I feel in good shape to show me again under good skills on my job. I do use audio-CD's to "brainwash" myself into good mood and success. Maybe you (some of my guests on this blog) should do the same... ;-)

Today's motto: Best way to show your teeth to enemy - smile :-D

Friday, 4 May 2007

Birthday Bowl

Grüezi! (=A Swiss 'hello')

Yesterday evening I/we was/where invited to my cousin's Birthday Bowling. Imagine a group of students, running out of range and booze - booze - booze! I guess it wasn't that challenging for me to beat them. So think I, if I win with just 151 points (twice in three matches) it wasn't that significant at all... :-(
But Fabienne was truly good. Most of the time she was right behind me...
It was real fun in overall! As we finished, I drove behind them to turn into the main-street, as all of a sudden the driver on front, pool over besides. Guess what! Yep, an other had to puke! Well it was late and I had to go home... in other words, I can't tell you how long they needed for a distance of maybe 5,5 km (about 3,5 Miles). :-D
So in mind of this, guess how this 'party' was? :-)))

This morning I went with Fabienne for a workout. I was in good shape, but unfortunately no more in the level I used to. In other words, I shall go again more to the gym, as I used in the past weeks.

It's so important to me, to rise up any area in my life. I think a lot about what will be in future, what person I want to be. How others do admire me. I don't think, that I'm a long distance away from this visualized person I want to be. It's just all about getting constantly. To have a mission I want to stand for.

So! What's stands on? Today's Friday, that means probably - oh man(!) - WEEKEND!

This evening I'm invited at Fabienne's place for dinner. She and her father... and the dullard! ;)
Than we'll go again to Zurich. In fact we also have to. Because tomorrow I have laundry to do in the morning. What we gonna do on Saturday evening I don't know yet. Sunday church... So far my plans for this weekend.

Over lunchtime I found time for my blog, but this afternoon I have to knuckle down with work.

Am I motivated? Yes!
Am I in good shape? Yes!
Am I ready to rumble? Yes!

Oh and my AIDS/HIV - Test has been negative, so it's positive! ;-)

- So let the weekend come and to you - lot's of fun and nice impressions! Cya Mondayyyy!

Today's motto: Don't worry! There's always light beyond the tunnel! ;)

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Just a normal day

Hello chap!

Yesterday afternoon till evening I had a very quite and smooth day. After fulfilling my daily target I left the office earlier. I had to give my blood sample for the AIDS - test. After all questions, like for example taking drugs -doesn't matter if you take once a while a joint ;-) nor if you chase the dragon they wanna know it. -Anyhow, where did I stand? Oh yes, the questions, they took of blood, gave me a code, that I can call them today at 5p.m.! (hope I won't forget this) 8-)

Afterwards I fetch up Simon ( He had the movie "shooter" with Marky Mark, we wanted to see. Fabienne was at this time already at my home. So at home once again we have watched a movie... Strait after Simon left -Fabienne ate canneloni and Sven received. The day before he forgot his batch at my place and called it again. But in all this rhythm I didn't think about what was going on in Soccer! I almost past the Championsleague! For a european man this is like you would pass the Superbowl in the US! :-D

Unfortunately my favorit-team lost. Manu! There, where it didn't rank among, Manchester won against AS Roma with 7 to 1. But against AC Milan they couldn't hold their potential and lost 3:0! How come? They lost their focus on what's really important. Didn't give the best and so they lost and deserved it! :-((

Today I started in an excellent way. Stand up and manipulate myself for business-success till I arrived my office. (Heard Anthony Robbins Audiofile CANI) As I start up all I had to, I just made a deal with the first call... And now I'm writing this post! ;-)

Why don't I always have the resources to hold-up my force? Why am I not constantly in this mood? -Ah yeah, I'm a human... :-) But enhancement fallows after winning against your inner swine -on every f**** day! And that's what keeps me on and on again. To aspire to higher things in all life-cycle belongs.

Today's motto: You got one life to success - so live not survive!

PS: A guy wrote me an email regarding my blog and his situation in life. He just lost his job and has been kicked out of his flat. He wanted to know, which questions I would ask myself and handle this situation. -Well, as I wrote you back: you got two possibilities. Either you gain or lose. You got the chance to invent yourself new! As you have seen in the past, it didn't bring you further as you have been. It's time to change. Time to show up, what you really got in you. And it's all about a decision. The decision you may make in two directions to be successful. Either you sweep toward (to success) or you stampede (from destitution)! You have to know, what will figure out the successful way for you. If you want to sweep toward, imagine in every case and situation you are: What would I do right now, if I would already be successful? If you stampede: What HAVE I to do right now, to move away from my old habits and this crappy situation? -Just a decision! And in anyway, you owe it to you! -Think about!! ;)

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Commitement 4u!

Yesterday, @ the fist of May we have had a public holiday here in Switzerland. Well not all of us really got a day off. I for example had to work in the morning. In the afternoon I took free, as I can organize my own working-time. ;-)

But anyhow! It's not what I wanna talk about. In the last days I notice several things around me. It doesn't have any relation to me, but on people around me. The way people think. I realized manifold the same case. As a (wo-)man enters in a situation they don't want to be rope in. Most typical reaction: Dramatic overdoing and proclaim at first. -Hello?! Are you guys serious?

Our brain doesn't implement this kind of action in a positiv way. At first your brain tells you: "Okay bro', what a shit you fell in this time?" Is it this, what you necessary need to improve?

Let me give an example on mine! If I enter a situation that's shitty, I don't neclet it. Because, if it's looking like shit, smells like and seems like, I don't have to comment it. It is already! But I ask myself, how may I handle this in a way, that brings me further. I ask myself, which point of view will help me. And do you know why I'm asking myself in this way? Because it's my responsibility! -I don't want to let a situation get over my management. That's what I demand from life!

Look (as you also may find in my blog), I'm not in good mood all the time. But my goal is, at least to have 80% positive allure and 20% negative odds! Eight of ten days my life turns in a right matter. Two days I kept in negative mood... And at last, I may say: 80% of my life I still had nice experiences and was in good shape! Is it worthy? -Think so!

I don't want to cloy anyone. But I want to share my know-how, my first-hand! I'm 27 years old! Got a penthouse and an Eclipse in the garage! Got a job, where I got unlimited opportunity to earn money. Have studied economics and completed in the ranking. Got plenty of friends. Got a handfull of real friends. Got love from my family and my girlfriend. Am good in body-shape, as I go at least once a week to a workout. Oh yes, I got days where I wished better not have stand up. But the reason I'm at this point, I have a goal! I demand to considerable degree of my own life. I do demand, because I deserve it! It's my right and my will!

What do I want? Do I want to live in a way, alway being in rage? -No! I want to be as often as possible in good mood, shape and motivation. I want to be the guy I visualize. It's my fair right!

Getting into this daily fight, with my inner swine and win, is the key of my success. And in my blog I show you on every day, how I can handle this!

So listen! -It's time to handle! -It's time to stand-up! It's your lifetime! Be positive! If you failure, you at least tried. And as easy it sounds, I would lie to you, if I would say it is. But keep trying it, will bring each of us further in all life belongs!

Today's motto: Be clear in what you want (in your life), because there's no one else giving you this clearance.

PS: Fabienne's father didn't call me. Think he did inform himself... ;-)