Friday, 25 May 2007

frustrating cash-situation


Oh how shitty this is... you know this situation?
- You go into the bank and want to withdraw some cash after the salary income. Well, so far no ado! Now you look at the balance and realize, that the month before you had to go into minus, so the cash that's effective on your account already is less. But the bills you've to pay didn't minimize and you pay them and are again without cash... -Isn't this a never-ending situation? Isn't this a typical surviving, than living? To be honest, I'm quite fed up with this. I gonna learn some strategies, how to come out of this case.

- I tell you. I was so dressing down because of this. In the afternoon I had to go to Munich for a symposium. And when I was there, I just backtrack and was like undercover in this lecture. Just thinking all the time, why can't I handle my own money-situation into a better stand? What have I to change and what are my goals? And just in one point I'm really clear! It can't stay the way it is. (In fact, there's also something else on this, what concern's me: I earn more than 80% than all other citizen in Switzerland and still got problems. -And that's unportable!)

So, what am I going to do this weekend? This evening my lovey will cook dinner and mybe later Florian will come again once with a movie! Tomorrow I think we'll go clubbin' in the evening. Saturday church, and Monday (pentecost)... -It still don't know...!

Always and always again, it's so heavy to be an ideal for others, giving good advices to them and be a firm as a rock. When on the otherside I got myself into such small problems... crazy! But there's no other way, than forward going! I reached to far, to go back again! And there I go... again and again... (but at least with a smile).

Today's motto: Life is a bitch, then you marry 'em, then you die! Okay, so why don't you take it with a smile?

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