Thursday, 31 May 2007

Feeling slack

Bon Jorno

I think, I have been to long awake yesterday evening. I had to work up to 9pm. Than I watched TV with Fabienne. Around 11.30h pm. Florian wrote me a message to remind me to drive him next day to the airport. So I went earlier to bed then usual, about 0.30 am! But this morning I had first to come into the office, to send a mail to my boss (some analyzis-sheets had to reach him before 9am.).

Florian has to go to a Kung Fu meeting in Bulgary. He's club is pushing him all the time to join those occasions. But what he can't see, is that his trainer hasn't to look after some other body's life. I mean, his life is also very exciting. Travelling all over the world but has to pay it by himself and doesn't get anything against.

I want to get this more clear: Per year he spends about CHF 10'000.- (By an estimated income from about 60'000.-) for these Kung Fu occasions all over the world. He's young and may still want to see as much from the world as possible. But on the other side, he wants to build up something in economic way for his future life. Further he spends tomuch Benjamins for his tuned car. But wants to but some savings for his own flat, one day... As you know, there are always again and again other costs coming on one (taxes, insurances, gifts, etc...). And he especially hasn't got the control where the Benjamins go lost. Well, he will never get anywhere.
And today morning, on the way to the airport, we were talking about this. And you know, what is more worse on this? -I couldn't give him any hint. Because I can't handle it any better. :-(

Right now I feel myself to sluggishly to do anything... So bored and lazy. But what did I expect with less then six hours sleep?! ;-)

I'm not in the mood to do any deals today. But on the other hand, I have to! Well, I should... ;-))
And this afternoon I have to attend a lecture. Later this evening I should visite a presentation of an economic doctor, regarding spectographic messurement of waves in textforms. (yeah, I know exactly what's in your head: "Sounds like trying to answer a rule of proportion stoned!" -right? :-) )

Well, I got a full program today...

...Today's motto: Go on and on, like the time you're in. If you do, you can master both of them! ;)

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