Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Take on responsibility

Speedy hello!

I've soon to go to a customer's meeting, so I haven't got alots of time today to write my blog.
Today a 15 year old girl asked me about how to focuse the right way. -For life-belongs! She's just on to find an apprenticeship and how she can harmonize this with her religion.

I told her not to compare these two things in a parallel way. It won't figure out with a big probality. In fact she also isn't that clear, which religion she wants to stay in. Well in this age it's quite early to ask yourself such questions, but if you're in this life-cycle-phase, where you ask yourself such things, I think you have to do this in a realistic direction.

If you want to find something, that's more than yourself where you may deal with, so find this in a smart way. If the religion does tell you, it would be the best for you to decimate your environment, you should better take distance to it. A religion has also to match with your actual life situation. You can't undock from your family, friends and environment, just because you want to rise up your skills in the religion. It has to be enclosed to your life. It has to function hand in hand with the as-is state!

Now, how to find a job, that harmonize with your religion... I have to recall this in an other example. God has got a plan for each one of us. And you might be posed exactly there, where it's the biggest use for him and the most effore taking situation for you. Maybe it's unfair, maybe you don't wan't the situation you're in. But it doesn't matter where you are, as long you still can find a sence in it, it will help you!

I'm sorry, but I've to leave...

Today's motto: Lest we forget to live our life!

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