Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Get caught up!?


Yesterday I've been all day long on different, as you say: roadshows! There a company, who needs money, makes a presentation of their products. Yesterday, my day startet already with the first meeting at 0730h a.m.! The last one has been at 0730 p.m.! But it sounds just exaggerating. In the between, I had a free time in the afternoon of around 4 to 5 hours. ;-)

Finally no business came out. All companies and all projects are either too long outstandig or are just on too high risk to be carried on.

Later the day, as I came home again, I just wanted to switch off the day. How did I do it? By gambling... :-D (PS3 - PES6)

This morning, I gain an other business to our pipeline of more € 40 to 60 Mio. I'm really looking forward on this. Maybe it's possible for us, to take an other project up like this one. And in this case, I'll take my next vacation on the Bahamas, if we may fullfil that one! It's regarding a manufactorer in the branch automobiles industry.

Oh, what did I have for an other small amusement this morning. After a whole day on lane, I entered the office and started up all issues. As some of you know, that the pictures, I enclose have on the first view just a slighty sence with the text and on the second view, you might find one unobtrusive. Most of them, are under my copyright. For all others, I make a short request to the copyright holder. -Most of them answer with "Okay! Thx 4 your information!" The one last Friday, didn't come up with this. He wanted to verify, that I include "good readable" next to his pic also his name. I made it in the bottom of my post, but it didn't seem to comfort him, so he went on, till I took it off finally. :-) For all of you guys who at all cost has to know, which one it was, here the link: www.rwagner.de/projects/sofi06/(without direct-link because of legal manner - so please copy-paste by your own) I probabely make advertisment for him, without he has deserved it. :-)))

Guys... there are people around here... ;-)

Today's motto: There is no way to peace, peace is the way! Unknown

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