Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Running out of time


The weekend has been very chilling. But on Monday, I just fall into a rush. I had plenty of things to do simultaneously. I didn't scatter my mind, but I was that focused on the urgent and important things, that I demote the blog. So sorry for that.

I got like a 100 Mio. bucks in the direct sales-pipeline, where I still await their decision. An other 100 Mio. bucks are still open to be included into this pipeline. I estimate a possibility of around 10% for closings. That would be in my case an provision of around 20'k bucks.

But shooot!
I got to speed up again! I have a meeting with an other customer in 60 Minutes... I got to leave again.

Today's motto: The reason a lot of people do not recognise opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.Thomas A. Edison

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