Thursday, 11 October 2007

Look into a great future


I got it! I knew I would. In my mind, something since beginning this year strongly changed into an other focus. Do you still remember my one-week-test? 7 Days after each other without any negative thought? It doesn't meen, that you don't let in any negative thought! But if one comes up, you don't hold it. Your focus changes into something resourceful. You concentrate on solutions and no longer on problems.

Well I guess, there it started to change. There the thought of "what I am, is much more, than I've been demonstrating in my life." -really triggered me, to focus beyond anything, that would hold me back from this commitment.

Now, being in this enforced state of success, I start slowly to recognize, how happy I am. How much pleasure it gives one, if you know, that you start to position your life into something, that has got a fundament for the future. In other words, now I realize, that growth gives me the answers to the question I have had.

Today, as I went to the office, I imagined, how it would be, if I would close two deals. After three phonecalls, the two deals settled in. :-)

Yesterday, I had a meeting, which I told you already about. Well after all, it wasn't that shitty at all. In fact, it has been the first time now, where I got the possibility, to close 40 Mio. Euro!!! And I quite look forward, because it seems very realistic to me, that we inhouse also give the okay to this project. Well, more infos, later in the blog!

Today's motto:
The harm of faineance is, that you don't know, when you have to finish!

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