Monday, 7 May 2007

Terrific Weekend?!


This weekend past, I really enjoyed. So many exciting things happened and after all good impressions stayed. ;-)

After work I have visited Fabienne's place. Our dinner was chinese food and was very delicious. And if this good meal wasn't already good enough, it has been accompanied with a very good conversation with her father. We have been talking about religion (what in normal case is very delicated), psychology and sciences. I think, that I could give a good impression to her father, aswell he has gave me a good impression. Later on we have droven back to my place again.

It started with my laundry. I actually wanted to start about 10.00 a.m., but my neighbor jamed my time of wash! -Well thank you! At last I could do my wash with more than 2 hours delay. And I anyway have been sleeping till 11.00 a.m. :-)
So we did our customary shopping and finished household around 4.00 p.m. and didn't have time yet to prepair ourselfs for the dinner this evening with my mummy. She has invited us again for asian food and I enjoyed this dinner aswell. All time through the visite, Fabienne and my mom have been freaked out on the karaoke-rig! Fabienne seem's to be very ambitious on this sport and also get's good ratings. -Most of time/tries have been over 90 (max. by 100).

We went to church but wheren't that satisfied from the homily this time. It was like an over-expanded version of "church-marketing" all time long! Imagine you want to visite church for the word of God, but only get advertisment. Well done, after church Fabienne and I went for a short brunch at the mainstation of Zurich. She had to leave again to Zug and later to Bern. In the afternoon I got visitors at my place. The sisters of my ex-g'friend came, to have a sightseeing of my penthouse and seemed like they have been 'wowy'-surprised. As well Simon and later-on Florian came for an other movie. Taxi4 is a Luc Besson film, but no more on the high action and entertainment -level as the other 3 parts.

Well, it's Monday and I feel in good shape to show me again under good skills on my job. I do use audio-CD's to "brainwash" myself into good mood and success. Maybe you (some of my guests on this blog) should do the same... ;-)

Today's motto: Best way to show your teeth to enemy - smile :-D

1 comment:

sea said...

Geesh, it looks like these cute ladys ate all these snacks n foods ;)

Btw you can see me in the reflection of the window, sadly you've cutten yourself off the image ^^