Friday 24 August 2007

...and the show, has to go on! ;)


Unfortunately, our CEO didn't find time to call me... But somehow, my boss did search for me yesterday later afternoon. :-D

Yesterday, I anyway had some friends comming up to gamble on PS2!

Well, -nevermind. I made also today the same questioning and somehow I made just a multitasking as I entered the office. I started up all open duties. As I had a conference call, an employee came in and just trapped into my office. On the other hand, I had the conference call with a CFO of a large textil-machinery manufactorer.

Guess what! I didn't freak out. I was that calm, that I spoke further, stood up, went to the door, showed the staff the exit of my office. And closed the deal! :-D

I try no longer to find excuses for any failures! I see the raw-model of the situation and act in best faith and will. And once again, I just use the right questions.

See what I'm doing here. It isn't just a report, that you can read. It's my life! And I'm sharing it with you. Maybe you're in a similar situation, but don't find the questions. I made a public statement with this blog to go toward my usual comfort-zone! I made a commitement, that the person I am, hasn't come as far yet as it could! I am much more, than I'm showing right now!

And how do we humans enjoy life? By growth! The only way you feel happy, is when you know, that you increase your life! And either you increase those areas, where you find your own passion, or you fall off! Black or white! Left or right! Success or failure*. It's nothing else, than just an imagination of your own! ;-)

* there are no failure. Just experiences, that didn't function in that way... ;-)

Today's motto: Chances in life are like sunrises! If you wait too long, you miss them! by HTH

1 comment:

etalon said...

very nice blog !!!