Monday 8 October 2007

Gold Monday


The debate last Friday with Fabienne again turned into harmony. :-) We had all weekend long the time for us. Well on Saturday, we had to curb for her brother, but initially, it just take the morning. Later we went shopping and do all the common weekend-duties, that all of us got with a own household.

Sunday evening I just let pass the time from Friday to Sunday in a short review. And after all, my summery is, that it doesn't matter, what reason ever we fall in, more important is, that both parties are willing to find a shared goal - 'search for solutions'! If I imagine, how it could have ended, if just one of us, wouldn't like to approach the other... gosh...! ;-)

This morning was already very successful. I started the day in full attention on what I really want to focus. I drilled myself to not get caught up in any flabby mood. I woke up, turned in an audioprogram of Anthony Robbins ('Awaken the giant within'). I took time to eat breakfast. I took time to plan my whole day. I took time to make my ablutions. And I definitely took time to go to work. :-)

At work, I took up exactly two addresses, which I want to make a deal! And on both companies, I made one within two hours! -Not bad, or?! :))

Than the guy from Tony Robbins called up again regarding a seminar, which he wants me to join in. And I could set down each arguement comming up. Actually, the other guy should have known (if he didn't), that I do know each of those refutations. -Because I made different seminars with them and also read tons of books. And so I actually wanted a win-win-situation for both of us. I explained him my financial situation, but the will to join the seminar, and if he could arrange, that I pay with my next provision, I'd apply. First it didn't seem like he got me, but after all, he just wanted to look, if I could also pay or cash in advance in an other purpose.
But neverthless, I had no other choice.

Our CEO is inviting the whole department for businesslunch today. And as I know, he'll probabely ask me, if we are on track with the estimated goals or not. -I'm happy to say in the meantime "yessss, we are...!"

Today's motto: The difference between the right word and the almost right word, is the difference between lightning and lightning bug. Mark Twain

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